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Community Update - Term 2, 2024
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Greetings from Gitathuru!

Greetings from Gitathuru Center. We bless the Lord for this far that He has brought us. We would like to share some school activities that took place in the course of the term. Thank you for your continued support and partnership as we transform lives in the Gitathuru community. God bless you abundantly.

Gladys Musili
Head Teacher, Gitathuru


Term 2, 2024 Stats
1,027 Enrolled Students
415 Unsponsored Students


Will you sponsor a student from Gitathuru?


Hope Transforms: A Success Story

Helen, her three siblings, and her parents have lived in the Kosovo area of Nairobi, Kenya since 2003. Their house was located right behind our Kosovo Center. Helen and her sister joined our Gitathuru Center. She is currently in Grade 6, while her sister is now in Grade 11.

Helen's family came from Nyeri but migrated to Nairobi in search of better opportunities. When they first arrived, their house made of iron sheets and a mud floor in the Kosovo slums cost them $1 each month. Helen's father was the sole breadwinner at that time, working as a garbage collector in the area. 

Helen's mother met one of our social workers while they were recruiting children in the community. At that time, Helen wasn't born yet, but her older sister, who was of school age, joined our Gitathuru Center. Helen later joined once she was born and old enough for school.

Helen's mother was among the first to join MOHI's microfinance and savings program. Their family social worker encouraged her to attend the classes as she was a stay-at-home mom. She agreed and was trained on business and investment skills along with other parents and her husband. After the classes, each of the students was given a small loan to start a business. The couple opted to start a small vegetable stand outside their home. Helen's mother was to run the shop while she took care of the children.

After some time, the business grew, and she started selling other goods like milk, bread, and soap. Her microfinance teachers kept in touch with the couple, giving them advice on how to keep growing. The business thrived, providing for the family's needs and generating enough profit to reinvest.

Helen's mother and father not only reinvested but also adopted a saving habit. After two years of saving, something amazing happened. Their landlord wanted to sell the piece of land that their house and shop sat on. She asked Helen's parents if they would be interested in buying it. The couple talked to their teachers at MOHI's microfinance department and were able to secure a loan. They bought the land, and now they no longer have to pay rent for their shop or the house they live in!

This wasn't the only way that MOHI impacted their family. Though they would often visit a church in the community, the family had not fully embraced their faith. While their social workers would come around to share their beliefs, this is when they experienced the love of Jesus through CHE (Community Health Evangelism). The family began to see real transformation in their lives, and soon, both Helen's parents dedicated their lives to Christ. They joined a Bible-believing church in the community and soon became involved in ministry, with Helen's mother serving in the women's ministry. 

MOHI has impacted this family so much in the last few years. They have become a beacon of hope for other families showing them the endless possibilities of life.

*Name changed for privacy



Term Highlights

  • Four of our students were baptized this term after attending the new believers class. Praise be to God!

  • Men's ministry at our Outreach Hope Church Gitathuru went out to evangelize to other men whose wives attend church but they themselves do not. As a result, two men started coming to church, and so did the rest of their family members. 

  • Our students took part in the sub-county Kenya Music Festival and managed to proceed to the regional level; they qualified to compete at the national level. Congratulations to our team.

  • We are proud of our soccer team who took part in the Kenya Primary School Sports Association competitions. They qualified to the regional level. They also participated in the MOHI soccer champions league. This was a great chance for our students to show off their talents and compete with other students.

  • We had lots of successful activities like a Gitathuru Center dedication, staff team building, Synergy Sunday with the Outreach Hope Church, mentorship and Ignite activities. These activities have brought us closer together as a center.

  • Gitathuru community members that were affected by flash floods and demolition received food baskets, mattresses and beddings. The families really appreciated the support that they received.



Partner Connections

  • We were fortunate to have interns from the US who led a Vacation Bible School (VBS). Our students were excited to learn about the fall of the walls of Jericho. The interns also trained our students on fire safety, which is crucial since fire hazards are common in the slums.



Prayer Requests

  • Pray for the families in Gitathuru who were affected by the flash floods and demolition. Pray that they find peace of mind and stay encouraged during this difficult time.

  • Thank God for good health and provision for the Gitathuru community, even in these challenging economic times.

  • Pray for the Grade 6 students who are preparing to take important national tests this term.

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