Area 2
Community Update - Term 3, 2024
Greetings from Area 2!
Receive greetings from Area 2 Center! The 2024 academic year has ended, and we thank God for keeping us throughout the year. Here are some highlights from this last term of the year. Thank you for your continued support and partnership as we bring hope to the Area 2 community through the love of Jesus Christ.
Silas Ombworo,
Head Teacher, Area 2
Hope Transforms: A Success Story
Zawadi* is an only child who lives with both parents in Mathare’s Area 2 community, in a single-roomed house. His father is the breadwinner in the family and works as a casual laborer, while Zawadi’s mother is a housewife.
When a MOHI social worker first met Zawadi’s parents, they were struggling to make ends meet. Zawadi’s father was doing any odd job he could find, but sometimes his search would be in vain, leaving their family with nothing to eat that day.
The social worker, after meeting with the family, recruited Zawadi into MOHI, giving him the opportunity to receive two nutritious meals every day and a quality Christian education. Even though Zawadi was in school, the family still struggled to pay their bills and take care of him. The social worker, during home visits, would encourage the family and pray with them. This kept their hope alive and gave them the courage to keep going.
The social worker brought together a group of ten parents, including Zawadi’s mother. The parents were taught how they could help each other become economically empowered. The group would meet regularly until the training was over. Afterward, unbeknownst to the social worker, the group continued to meet and started a table banking system. Zawadi’s mother was selected as the chairwoman.
Each time the team met, they would contribute a specific amount and give it to one of the team members. With the money that Zawadi’s mother received, she started a porridge-selling business. Her business, with the help of her table banking group, grew, allowing her to hire more people. Later, she decided to expand her business and started selling cooked cassava as well.
With all of this, she has been able to improve the economic situation in her home. She can now take care of some of the household bills. We thank God for the transformation that has happened and is continuing to happen in her life.
*Name changed for privacy
Term Highlights
- We are proud of our Grade 7 students who participated in this year's MOHI public speaking competition. Our students qualified for the finals, where they did very well.
- Our Grade 4 students participated in the inter-MOHI centers spelling bee competition and took 3rd place. Congratulations to our little ones.
- We are very proud of our 98 kindergarten boys and girls who will be joining Grade 1 in January 2025. To celebrate this achievement, they had a graduation ceremony where family and friends were invited. Congratulations to our new primary school students.
Partner Connections
- We were pleased to host the Christ’s Church of the Valley medical team at our Center. The team conducted medical screenings on all our kindergarten boys and girls, as well as Grade 1 and 2 students. The entire school was given deworming medication. Thank you for keeping our boys and girls healthy.
Prayer Requests
- Thank God for our Grade 6 students who all sat for their national exams. These tests will help guide them in figuring out their future career paths. Next year, the students will join junior secondary school.
- Please pray for our families to experience financial breakthroughs, as our students are home for the long holidays. May God provide for their every need.
- Pray for MOHI as we serve the community that God continues to give us the grace and the tools to bring impactful transformation to the people here in Area 2.
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