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Area 2

Community Update - Term 1, 2024
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Greetings from Area 2!

Hello from MOHI’s Area 2 Center! Another fantastic school term has wrapped up, and we have plenty to be grateful for. Let me share some of the highlights with you. We appreciate your ongoing support and partnership as we strive to make a difference in lives through Christ. Thank you!

Silas Ombworo
Head Teacher, Area 2


Flood Update:

Since this Community Update was written before the extreme rain and flooding took place in Kenya, we want to provide a quick update.

Although we recently experienced heavy rains and flooding, we are thankful to report that our center was not damaged. Unfortunately, however, a few of our students and their families were directly affected by the flooding. We are connecting with them to provide support.

If you'd like to donate to MOHI's flood relief efforts, you can donate here.


Current Stats
729 Enrolled Students
80 Unsponsored Students


Will you sponsor a student from Area 2?


Hope Transforms: A Success Story

Ian* resides in Area 2 with both of his parents, sharing a single-room house. Despite their challenging living situation, Ian demonstrates excellent behavior and academic performance, rarely missing a day of school unless he's unwell.

The family's circumstances came to the attention of a MOHI social worker when Ian, his mother, and younger sibling were temporarily staying with an uncle. His father on the other hand was staying with a friend due to their unemployment and lack of housing.

Recognizing the family's need, the social worker enrolled Ian into our Area 2 Center. Ian's father eventually found sporadic casual labor which provided enough income to secure a modest home made of iron sheets, reuniting the family.

The social worker continued to provide support through home visits, offering prayers and encouragement to Ian's family. The social worker also encouraged the parents not to give up on their pursuit to provide for their family. With time and lots of encouragement and counseling, Ian's father secured a job as a school caretaker, allowing him to contribute financially to Ian's education. Additionally, Ian's mother seized an opportunity to start her own business as a street vendor, selling fruits and children's clothing after their social worker encouraged her to start a business.

Through faith and perseverance, Ian's family experienced transformation. They upgraded from their iron sheet home to a house made of stone, and Ian's commitment fees are fully paid. Their success is attributed to the grace of God and the support of their community.

*Name changed for privacy.



Term Highlights

  • We are excited to share that our drama festival team recently competed in the Sub-county festivals, showcasing four different performances. Two of these performances qualified for the next round: creative cultural dance and dramatized play.

  • We take pride in our school scouts who were invited to lead the scouting activities at the grand opening ceremony of the Mathare Sub-county Drama Festival. Their impressive marching skills and meticulous flag-raising ceremony put our center in the spotlight.

  • We are delighted to welcome 70 new kindergarten students who joined our school this term. These enthusiastic newcomers have expressed their joy in joining the school and are thoroughly enjoying their experiences here.



Partner Activity

  • We were fortunate to host Northwest Christian Church at the beginning of this term. They organized a vibrant Vacation Bible School (VBS), engaging 300 students in crafts, music, Bible stories, and sports activities. Additionally, they conducted home visits to children they sponsor and provided food baskets to them. As a special treat, they served hotdogs to all the students in the school.
  • We were also blessed to receive Bibles from The Gideons International. They generously distributed 300 Bibles to students in Grades 4 through 8, as well as to our teachers.



Prayer Requests

  • Pray for the families we serve to have financial breakthroughs for their general wellbeing.
  • Pray for all the staff in Area 2 that God may give us the grace and strength to serve the community to our best.