Community Update - Term 3, 2024
Greetings from Mitangoni!
Greetings in Jesus name. We are grateful for the Lord's care and provision during this term. We would like to share with you some of the term's highlights. We thank you for your support and partnership as we bring hope to Mitangoni.
Rachel Kavata Tili
Head Teacher, Mitangoni
Hope Transforms: A Success Story
Anita* is in Grade 6 at the Missions of Hope Mitangoni Center. The 13-year-old girl lives with her single mother after her father passed away when she was still a little girl. She is doing well in school and is happy to be at the Mitangoni Center. Before she came to Missions of Hope International, she was going to a school quite a distance from their home, where she needed to pay for transportation before she could get to school. It was not easy for her mother, a casual worker, to cover the costs of tuition, lunch, and transportation for Anita and her siblings.
When she joined Missions of Hope Mitangoni Center it was so close to her home that she enjoyed the short walk to school. It also made it easier for her mother to cater to her children's needs. Anita can tell a huge difference between her current school and the previous one.
She is grateful that she has the opportunity to be provided with breakfast and lunch at school. Unlike the previous school, she is in a class with enough desks and has enough teachers. Anita notes that before she joined MOHI, she wasn't doing well academically. She has enjoyed being in a school where the teachers are friendly, interactive, and approachable. Students are free to ask questions whenever they don't understand, and the teachers are always ready to help. Because of this, she has had great improvement in her academic performance.
Though Anita and her family are Muslims, they appreciate the spiritual support that they receive from the MOHI pastor and social workers. Their mother is grateful for the medical care that her children have access to when they are sick. It really puts her mind at ease.
*Name changed for privacy
Term Highlights
- Our Grade 6 students attended Angaza Discovery Camp this year. Eight of them gave their lives to Christ and were baptized, praise Jesus!
- A team of 7 students, 5 spellers, and 2 public speakers represented us in the MOHI Center spelling bee and public speaking competition. We won first place in the spelling bee and second place in public speaking. Congratulations to our competitors!
- Fifty-one kindergarten students graduated to Grade 1! We held a very colorful ceremony which had them excited to attend school in the new year.
Partner Connections
- Christ’s Church of the Valley visited and conducted a two-day medical camp for both students and staff. Two hundred and ninety-four students were attended to. They also trained 19 staff members on how to care for children with special needs.
Prayer Requests
- Thank God for His protection throughout the term and the entire academic year.
- Pray with us as we trust God for our students who are yet to find sponsors.
- Pray that God may provide us with everything we need to keep serving the community in Mitangoni.
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