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Community Update - Term 1, 2024
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Greetings from Mitangoni!

Greetings in the name of Jesus as we celebrate another new year and an amazing first term of the year. I am thrilled to share the amazing work that God has been doing in the Mitangoni community. Thank you for being a part of this transformation through your support and partnership.

Rachel Kavata Tili
Head Teacher, Mitangoni


Flood Update:

Since this Community Update was written before the extreme rain and flooding took place in Kenya, we want to provide a quick update.

Despite the heavy rains, we are thankful to report that neither our center or the students we serve were directly affected. We did not experience the flooding that other areas were subject to.-

If you'd like to donate to MOHI's flood relief efforts, you can donate here.


Current Stats
263 Enrolled Students
151 Unsponsored Students


Will you sponsor a student from Mitangoni?


Hope Transforms: A Success Story

Meet Larry*, a remarkable 12-year-old Grade 5 student at Missions of Hope Center in Mitangoni. Born into a family of five siblings, Larry lost his father at a young age, leaving his mother to shoulder the responsibility of raising the children alone.

Life in Mitangoni hasn't been easy for Larry's family. His mother earns a living by selling local brew extracted from coconut trees, known as palm wine. The nature of her business often means late nights and disrupted sleep patterns. Larry would sometimes take advantage of his mother's fatigue to skip school and spend time playing instead. By the time his mother woke up, it would be too late for Larry to attend classes.

Recognizing the importance of education in Larry's life, the social workers and teachers at Missions of Hope Mitangoni Center intervened. They would visit Larry's home regularly, ensuring he understood the value of schooling and encouraging him to attend regularly. Initially hesitant, Larry gradually began to see the benefits of education, thanks to the unwavering support and guidance he received from the school staff.

Through prayer and persistent encouragement, Larry's attitude towards school started to shift. He began to grasp the significance of his studies and the opportunities they could unlock for his future. His transformation was evident as he developed a newfound commitment to his education. No longer needing to be awakened by his mother, Larry took it upon himself to rise early and ensure he and his brother made it to school on time each day.

Larry's mother witnessed this positive change in her son firsthand. She marveled at how he had taken responsibility for his education and become a role model for his younger siblings. The family's prayers had been answered as Larry embraced his studies with newfound determination and diligence.

Today, Larry's story serves as a beacon of hope for the Mitangoni community. His journey from reluctance to enthusiasm for learning demonstrates the power of support, prayer, and perseverance. As Larry continues to thrive academically, his future looks brighter than ever before, thanks to the transformative impact of Missions of Hope Center in Mitangoni.

*Name changed for privacy



Term Highlights

  • We rejoice in God's blessings upon our drama team! They showcased two outstanding performances at the sub-county level, securing first place in one of their skits and earning the opportunity to compete at the next level.

  • Our center organized an exhilarating in-house competition to select our athletic team. 80 exceptional students qualified to represent Mitangoni in the sub-cluster competition, showcasing their talent and dedication.



Partner Connections

  • Keith Waggoner from Grace Bible Church and Dick Alexander visited, They prayed for our students and community.



Prayer Requests

  • Pray for a permanent solution to our water needs, seeking His provision and guidance.

  • Pray for the healing of students, staff, and the community affected by the red eye disease, believing in God's restorative power.

  • Pray for God's provision for sponsorship for our 151 unsponsored students, trusting in His faithfulness to meet their educational needs.

  • Pray for the families affected by the floods. May God provide for them and meet them at their point of need.