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Community Update - Term 2, 2024
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Greetings from Madoya!

Receive warm greetings from Madoya Center! We thank God for the second term of the year. We want to share some of the highlights of this term with you. Thank you for your support, prayers and partnership as we work together to transform lives through the love of Christ.

Vincent Malombe Mulwa
Head Teacher, Madoya


Term 2, 2024 Stats
812 Enrolled Students
216 Unsponsored Students


Will you sponsor a student from Madoya?


Hope Transforms: A Success Story

Jeff* is the oldest of four children and is 16 years old. He started school at the Missions of Hope Madoya Center and later successfully transitioned to our Ndovoini Center to attend high school. He lives with his parents and three younger siblings in a one-room house near our Madoya Center. His parents rely on odd jobs to support the family.

Shortly after starting high school, Jeff began experiencing health problems, including fainting spells. Doctors were unable to diagnose his condition despite numerous tests. While many suspected epilepsy, this wasn't the case. Throughout this challenging time, their family social worker stayed in close contact with the family, ensuring Jeff received regular medical care at the MOHI clinic at Pangani Center. He was referred to other medical facilities for further testing, but no diagnosis was made, and his condition didn't improve.

During this difficult period, neither Jeff's family nor the social worker gave up. After all the medical tests came back negative, Jeff's parents didn't know what else to do but pray. The social worker connected Jeff with MOHI counselors and the school chaplain. They provided counseling and spiritual guidance, encouraging the family to put their faith in Jesus and believe in miracles for Jeff's healing.

After some time with lots of prayer and counseling, Jeff started showing signs of improvement. Today, Jeff is healthy and doing well in his studies, although he had to redo his first year of high school due to his absence. He hasn’t given up and aspires to become a doctor in the future.

Jeff's parents are happy and grateful for the support from MOHI during their difficult time. They know that God used MOHI to heal Jeff. In gratitude, they have committed to sponsor a child in need for one term.

We thank God for Jeff and for His healing power.

*Name changed for privacy



Term Highlights

  • We are very proud of our music club that participated in the Kenya Music Festival competitions. They performed so well, qualified up to the regional level, and won the second runners up position. Congratulations to our talented students.

  • We are proud of the soccer team that participated in the Kenya Primary School Sports Association Tournament competitions from zonal level. One of our students was chosen to join the Nairobi team representing the Nairobi region at national level. What a joy it is to nurture the talents of our students.

  • We are proud of Grade 4 and Grade 7 students who participated in MOHI’s all schools public speaking and spelling bee competition. Six students are proceeding to the finals!



Partner Connections

  • We were pleased to have Connection Pointe Christian Church visit our school. They took our Grade 4 and 5 students on a field trip. The students enjoyed a fun-filled day of boat rides and bounce houses.

  • We were pleased to have Baker City Christian Church visit our school. They took their sponsored kids on a field trip to get to know them and spend time with them. They also held VBS (Vacation Bible School) for 377 students from Grade 1 to 5. The students had a great time with their lessons in crafts, Bible story time, and games. The staff enjoyed lunch with the team at the center.

  • We were pleased to have two visitors from Rocky Mountain Christian Church visit our school. They worked closely with classroom teachers and conducted training for Nairobi head teachers.



Prayer Requests

  • Pray for sponsorship for all unsponsored children in our center.

  • Pray for good health for the children and their families.

  • Pray for financial success for our parents as they work towards making a better life for their children.

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