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Mathare North

Community Update - Term 2, 2024
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Greetings from Mathare North!

Receive greetings from Mathare North Center. We are grateful for the term that we have had. Thank you for your continued support and partnership as we transform the community here in Mathare North through the love of Jesus. Here are some of the highlights from the term that we would like to share with you.

Everline Kisomo
Head Teacher, Mathare North


Term 2, 2024 Stats
1,035 Enrolled Students
127 Unsponsored Students


Will you sponsor a student from Mathare North?


Hope Transforms: A Success Story

Rebecca* lives in the Mathare North community with her husband and three children. Two of her children are at our Mathare North Center as the younger one is not yet old enough for school.

For a long time, Rebecca has been a housewife while her husband has been a casual laborer. Wanting to contribute to the family income, she shared her story with a MOHI social worker. They began exploring business ideas and she settled on selling second-hand clothes.

Her husband supported her by giving her $15 to start up her venture. However, a few months into the business, things didn't go well and she gave up on the business. She ended up giving the remaining clothes to her friends out of frustration.

Determined to help, the social worker came up with new ideas for her and Rebecca decided to give it a try. She gave second-hand clothes a second chance and included roasting corn on a cob in the evening. Again, she asked for $15 from her husband and bought a few pieces at an open air market and stocked up on some corn.

Currently, her business is doing well. She is financially stable and is capable of contributing to the family needs. She has also joined savings groups to secure her financial future. Rebecca looks forward to acquiring a small stall where she can sell her clothes without moving around. We pray that God will eventually meet her needs and help her achieve her dreams.

*Name changed for privacy



Term Highlights

  • We are proud of our music club which competed all the way from zonal to regionals emerging position four at the Kenya Music Festival. Congratulations to our talented students.

  • We are proud of our boys and girls soccer teams who worked very hard and got selected to represent the sub-county at regional level at the Kenya Primary School Sports Association competitions.

  • We are also proud of our spelling bee team which did so well and are proceeding to inter-MOHI schools spelling bee competition. Our spelling masters managed to qualify for the final round!



Partner Connections

  • We were privileged to host Community Christian Church at our center this term. They had VBS with our students that focused on bold dependency on God. The students had a great time at their lessons and at activities like, craft, music, games and worship.



Prayer Requests

  • Pray for the families who were affected by floods and demolition in the Mathare area. Many people lost their homes and property. Pray that God will provide for their every need.

  • Pray for our staff members as they work to make an impact in the community. May they be God's hands and feet, finding those who need help the most.

  • Pray for our students who do not yet have sponsors.

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