Korogocho Nyayo
Community Update - Term 3, 2024
Greetings from Korogocho Nyayo!
Receive greetings from the Korogocho Nyayo community in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We had a wonderful term and we want to share with you some of the highlights. Thank you for your support and partnership as we bring hope to the Korogocho Nyayo community through the love of Jesus.
Eric Omondi
Head Teacher, Korogocho Nyayo
Hope Transforms: A Success Story
Dory* is a sixth-grade student at Korogocho Nyayo Center. She lives with her parents and three siblings in a single-room house in Korogocho. Her family stopped attending church after her father lost his job and their financial situation worsened. Feeling abandoned by their church community, they became disillusioned and withdrawn. They were eventually evicted from their home due to unpaid rent.
Dory became isolated and withdrawn, struggling to participate in class and interact with others meaningfully. She developed behavioral problems, including irritability and anger. Her academic performance declined, and her teachers expressed concern about her behavior. She began associating with a group of girls with questionable behaviors and would often return home late after engaging in activities that were not appropriate for her age.
Her family social worker sought to understand the reasons for Dory's behavioral changes. Initially, Dory was reluctant to share her thoughts and feelings. However, through individualized counseling, the underlying issues began to surface. It became clear that the family's financial struggles and parental conflict were significantly impacting Dory's emotional well-being.
To re-engage Dory in school, she was given the responsibility of class monitor. This newfound role positively impacted her behavior. She became well-groomed, responsible, hardworking, and respectful of her peers and elders. Her academic performance also improved.
Through a microfinance program, Dory's mother joined a savings group and was able to secure a small loan to start a grocery business. This has significantly improved the family's financial situation. Her father has also become more involved in casual work to support the family.
The family has reconnected with their faith and joined a Church. We hope that they will grow in their faith as a family and even start serving in churc
*Name changed for privacy
Term Highlights
- We are delighted that our students have done exceptionally well this term, emerging as the top-performing students among all MOHI schools. Congratulations to our hardworking students and teachers.
- We thank God for the successful graduation of 87 kindergarten students. They are set to join Grade 1 in the new year. To celebrate this milestone, we held a graduation ceremony with their families and friends.
- Our Grade 6 students sat for an important test this term. Before their big test, we prayed for the students and encouraged them.
Partner Connections
- We were blessed to host Faith Movers Church. They conducted a Vacation Bible School (VBS) for over 200 students and took 26 students on a field trip.
- We are grateful to the Africa Fire Mission team for conducting a fire safety assessment and evacuation drill. Thirty-four staff members were trained in fire safety, and an evacuation drill was conducted for 131 students.
- Huntington Beach Church also held a successful VBS with our students. It was a great time to learn about Jesus and participate in fun activities.
Prayer Requests
- We thank God for His enduring grace, mercy, and love, and we thank Him for all of our partners.
- Pray that God may give us the strength to continue sharing the love of Christ with our community and help us achieve our organizational mission and vision.
- Pray that our community will come to know and love Jesus.
- Pray for our students as they enjoy their school break.
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