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Community Update - Term 2, 2024
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Greetings from Kargi!

I greet you all in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! The second term of the year has ended and we want to share some highlights from the term. Thank you for your continued support and partnership as we work together to transform lives through the hope of Christ

Kennedy Simatwa
Head Teacher, Kargi


Term 2, 2024 Stats
788 Enrolled Students
364 Unsponsored Students


Will you sponsor a student from Kargi?


Hope Transforms: A Success Story

Nailantei* is a Grade 5 student at Missions of Hope Joska Center. She joined Joska after transferring from Missions of Hope Kargi Center, where she started in Grade 2. Nailantei is the youngest in her family of six children. She lives with both her parents, although her father practices polygamy. She has a brother who has a physical disability.

Nailantei's life hasn't been easy. Before joining MOHI, she was married at a young age, as is customary for girls in her culture. When she was 10 years old, her father arranged her marriage. Being a young woman in her culture can be challenging. She was often bullied by older boys in the community, as can be common for young women, even if they are married.

She ran away from home and went to live with her sister in the Kargi area. This is where she encountered Missions of Hope International. She was enrolled in school and has done exceptionally well. Now she's a student at our Joska Center. For many of our girls, our Joska Center is a safe haven. There, she is protected from the many dangers that would prevent her from determining her own future.

Many of the children from our Northern Kenya centers have never left their hometowns or villages. Being able to see the rest of Kenya is a tremendous opportunity. It allows a child to be exposed to other possibilities in life, encouraging them that they can achieve anything.

It's also a great chance for the girls to experience cultures that do not oppress women, which is the culture nurtured at our Joska Center. Now, Nailantei is surrounded by other girls from all over the country who are all pursuing a brighter future. Her hopes are lifted as she leaves behind her old life and embraces endless possibilities through the love and support she experiences at MOHI.

*Name changed for privacy



Term Highlights

  • We are proud of our boys' and girls' soccer and volleyball teams who participated in the national sports competitions at the zonal level. Both our boys' and girls' teams won taking home the first prize!

  • Our music club also prepared to compete at the zonal level of the Kenya Music Festival though they were unable to compete. The students had a great time learning the songs and dances.

  • Our school held an interclass spelling bee where the students showcased their skills in the in-house competition. 



Partner Connections

  • We were delighted to host our partners from Eastside Christian Church who visited us this term. They built library shelves and also helped with repair work, fixing windows. They also conducted health screenings for both students and the wives of our staff members. The wives were trained on the birthing process and breastfeeding. This will go a long way in helping to reduce cases of stillbirth and malnutrition in the community.



Prayer Requests

  • Pray for our parents as they navigate these hard economic times. Pray that God continues to provide for them.

  • Pray for the leadership of our country. Pray they may have wisdom and God's guidance.

  • Pray for our community as we work towards transforming culture and bringing hope to the community.

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