10 Ways to Give Back and Make a Difference This Holiday Season
There’s something about this time of year that brings out the cheerful giver in many of us!
While year-end giving is a big deal for every non-profit organization like MOHI, we know not everyone is in a position to give financially. And the truth is, it doesn’t always take money to make a big difference. Often, people just need a hand—and there are so many ways to provide help…and hope.
At Missions of Hope International (MOHI), we believe in the power to educate, empower, restore, and redeem—and this article shares some creative and meaningful ways you can do just that.
Whether you’re donating the use of your time, talents, skills, energy, money, or creativity, here are 10 ways you can give back.
1. Tutor a student
It’s been a difficult year for students. As many students have struggled to adjust to virtual or hybrid learning environments, their focus has also diminished—and in many cases, so have their grades. One-on-one intervention is a time-tested and proven way to get students back on track. These days especially, parents are looking for ways to help their kids stay on track and succeed academically.
Consider giving your time to help a child in your neighborhood, church, school, or city!
2. Read to kids
Literacy is an essential life skill. By simply reading with a child, you’ll do wonders to promote their learning, spark their curiosity, and unleash their imagination. Structured reading programs and volunteer opportunities in libraries, nurseries, and schools are available in just about every community. You may even conduct a small group Bible study with a few children as the Bible is an excellent opportunity to hone those reading skills and share the gospel with those around you!
MOHI educates by cultivating lifelong learning in children and their families to ignite holistic transformation.
3. Spread kindness and positivity
Being a Good Samaritan should always be among our top 10 ways to give back. Showing selfless compassion, especially to strangers, isn’t always intuitive…but it’s perhaps the simplest way to give back.
Here are a few ideas:
- Shoveling your neighbor’s walkway after a snow
- Paying for the order of the person behind you at the drive through
- Holding the door open for the person behind you
- Helping a senior citizen unload their groceries, or give them a ride to the store and help them shop
Simply being nice and thoughtful can impact others in profound ways!
4. Share your skills with others
We all have a unique set of skills and experiences. Use your knowledge of computers and technology to help those out of work find and apply for jobs online. If you’re handy, see if you can help with repairs at your church or homeless shelter. No matter what your talent, there’s undoubtably a person or organization out there who would benefit from it!
5. Purchase with purpose
So many companies today donate a portion of every sale they make to worthy causes and charities. Carefully choosing the places where you spend your money is a basic but often overlooked way to give back while enriching and improving lives. You can make a big difference in the world by trying to support companies that share your values and invest back into communities.
MOHI empowers economically, socially, and emotionally by ensuring those from impoverished backgrounds are resource-rich in ability, determination, ingenuity, and motivation.
6. Donate to holiday food drives
Next time you grocery shop, add a few extra non-perishable canned and boxed foods to your cart or online order. Local food banks can never have enough rations, and the holiday season is a wonderful time to provide hope with a hot meal to those less fortunate.
7. Serve meals at the food bank
If your grocery budget is tight, you can always give your time by helping food banks and homeless shelters in your area prepare and serve meals. Get your friends and family to join you. Often those less fortunate in your community appreciate the comfort and companionship you provide as much as the meal.
8. Give blood or milk
There may not be a better way to use your generosity to restore than by giving the gift of life through blood or milk donations. Your blood/plasma will literally save lives during medical procedures and emergencies, and if you happen to be a nursing mother, breast milk donations can help premature and critically-ill babies.
9. Tidy up your community
Reinvigorate your local area, community, or neighborhood by organizing a clean-up (or you can always do it yourself). Choose a spot that could use some TLC and pick up litter, pull weeds, paint benches—whatever you can to help the environment and spruce up your community.
MOHI restores through initiatives that advance physical, mental, emotional, relational and, spiritual health.
10. Focus on your place of worship
Create a mural at your church where members can write statements of love and hope. Use the facility to host tutoring and reading programs. Make the building a central collection spot for food and clothes donations. Your church can serve as a central hub for many of the ways to give we’ve highlighted. And there’s not a more powerful and inspiring backdrop to spread acts of kindness.
MOHI redeems by helping men, women, and children experience God’s love for the first time or in a fresh way—supporting them to grow in faith so that they can share the Hope within them.
“Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.”— Corinthians 9:6-8
This is just a short list of 10 ways we can give back and make a big difference this holiday season. At MOHI, we actively promote and practice many of these methods with our families and staff. And while you've probably noticed most of what we've mentioned doesn't require a lot of money, we are always grateful for the financial support provided worldwide for MOHI children and families.
If you would like to learn more about our Christmas in Kenya initiative and give a child hope for the holidays, we invite you to learn more here.