Verses for a Sponsored Child: What to Say When Sending Hope
There are many things sponsors do for their children and families, giving monetary support is just one of them. In fact, probably one of the most impactful things that you can do for your child is to share your love of God with them.
Connecting spiritually doesn’t just bring your children hope and encouragement, it reinforces their relationship with God and yours.
Many sponsors keep that connection alive by sending their children regular messages. But it can be hard to know what to say or exactly how to phrase a message that brings them hope and encouragement or reinforces what they are learning about God’s Kingdom.
If you’re currently sponsoring a child or even just considering it and need some inspiration, here are four verses for sponsored children and letter frameworks to get you started. Fill them in as-is with your own information or use them as a starting place to craft a more personal story.
Message 1: God’s Salvation
Ephesians 2:8 can help you acknowledge and accept the wonderful things God is offering you and your sponsored child. Use it to talk about how God does not offer salvation based on actions, that no good deeds can undo our sins. God offers salvation as a gift — to everyone who believes.
Dear [child’s name],
Hello from [your country/state]! It was wonderful to read you last message. I enjoyed learning about [insert something he/she shared].
I want to share a quick story with you. A few days ago, I [insert a couple of sentences about a something nice you did — sent a birthday card, picked flowers for a friend, spent time with family and why you enjoyed it]. It also made me think of what Paul said about God’s grace in the Bible — that we cannot earn God’s forgiveness through our own good deeds.
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.
— Ephesians 2:8
This week I have been thinking a lot about God’s salvation and how blessed we all are to have it. It’s so great that God loves us unconditionally.
I think I will still continue to do nice things. It makes me feel good and proud, and it’s a great way to share God’s love. What’s your favorite way to make people smile?
[Your Name]
Message 2: Look to the Lord
Galatians 5:22-23A helps us understand that we must allow the holy spirit to lead us and that when we do, great things happen within us. Use this verse to explain how leading with the Heavenly Spirit gives us a powerful collection of positive characteristics.
Dear [child’s name],
Reading your last message made me very happy. Thank you for sharing so much about [insert something admirable from your child’s letter]. You are such a positive light in so many people’s lives. I admire how much you are letting the Spirit of God lead you.
You have so many of the positive characteristics that are listed in Galatians 5:22-23A — [choose a few: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control]. And your trust in Christ will set you free.
I have been wondering, can you tell me more about [your school]? I’d really enjoy hearing about [your favorite subjects and what you enjoy most]. I will tell you about mine in my next message.
In God’s Name,
[Your Name]
Message 3: Your Unique Self
Genesis 1:31 shows appreciation to God for creating a good world, but you can expand those thanks in this message to your child. Talk about how we can thank Him for everything, everywhere — both things big and small, and especially for making us each unique and special in our own way.
Dear [child’s name],
I thought it would be fun if we got to know each other better by sharing something unique about ourselves. Did you know that I [share something unique about yourself]? Can you share something I might not already know about you?
I have prayed a lot for you recently, thanking God for putting you in my life and for making you so very special and unique. Together we can appreciate all the good he has placed in this world:
And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.
‑ Genesis 1:31
God made us the way we are for a reason. We are blessed to be able to share our uniqueness with others, not for our glory but for His. Thank you for sharing so much of your uniqueness with me and my family.
In Christ,
[Your Name]
Message 4: God Has a Plan
Jeremiah 29:11 gives you a great opportunity to encourage your sponsored child in his spiritual journey. Remind him that we learn and grow with the Lord every day and that our job to grow our faith and become closer to God is never done.
Dear [child’s name],
Hello again! Today I am sending a picture of me and my family. Growing up, I always dreamed I would have a beautiful family and am so thankful that God has blessed me with [talk about what you love about your family].
In Jeremiah 29:11, God reminds us that he has a great plan for us — a plan that gives us a future and hope — it’s so wonderful to be able to trust God’s plan for us!
What is your dream for the future? How is God helping you live it? I can’t wait to see God’s plan play out for you each new day.
Trust in Him,
[Your Name]
Encouraging God’s Love
As sponsors, we look forward to updates from our children, but it’s great to know that our children and their families anticipate our messages just as much as we do theirs. It’s a great relationship — to wholeheartedly feed each other’s Spirit.
As you are crafting your messages, think about other things you can include to make them personal and fun. Photos are great, but when choosing yours, make sure they’re not boastful and are taken with a neutral background. The most important thing to remember when connecting with your sponsored child, is to have fun!