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NEWS UPDATE:  Training Community Trainers

NEWS UPDATE:  Training Community Trainers

By Linet Wambui; writer MOHI on Sep 5, 2019 12:47:00 PM

Grogon Community-04487As part of its agenda, Missions of Hope International (MOHI) strives to empower the communities we serve. To make this objective a reality, MOHI set up a Community Health and Evangelism (CHE) department which uses a strategy that mainly focuses on community development.

The CHE department consists of trainers who use a spiritual, health and educative approach to reach out to members of the community. The trainers interact with residents living in the slum areas where MOHI serves teaching them about financial prudence, health and sanitation matters as well as education and spiritual growth.

To keep doing this effectively, these trainers need to keep expanding their knowledge base and it is for this reason that a CHE curriculum training program was introduced.

According to MOHI’s CHE Coordinator, Ann Karanja, this training program takes place every term and is conducted by senior trainers from CHE Kenya.

“We benefit greatly from these sessions. We are able to take the principles we are taught and apply them in boosting the different methods we use among the communities we serve,” she said.

CHE training in session-4

The term two session was held on 27th to 30th August at the Pangani center and was attended by all department members, the fire advocate, survival officers, and nutritionist.

The training involved group discussions on how best to deal with HIV infected persons, effective community outreach and strategies on how to mobilize people. These were interactive sessions where skits, storytelling, songs and games were used to pass on the message.

“We received coaching on how to set objectives, especially when dealing with communities on a large scale, and also learned the different styles we can use while training community members,” said Jose' Nzuki, one of the beneficiaries.

After the four day training, participants were awarded with certificates of completion and were declared well-equipped to go out into the communities and keep spreading MOHI’s message of holistic transformation.

