Restore Health in Turkana
Turkana is the most remote part of Kenya. Located in the North of Kenya, Turkana County is a desert of dry land and extreme heat. The people there rely on pastoralism (raising goats and camels) as their main source of income. Being so remote, access to resources such as health care is difficult.
In the Bible, many times we see Jesus restore people through healing, and that is how they came to know and love Jesus. He came not just to restore our relationship with the Father but also to restore our bodies.
MOHI seeks to restore communities and one of the ways to do that is through access to quality affordable health care. Since access to healthcare in Turkana is limited, every term our Health team travels to our centers in Turkana County for medical camps. These camps are where the local community and our students are screened and given medical attention for ailments that traditional medicine could not cure or even detect.
It was at one of these camps that we met Peter*, a 13 year old boy. For about nine years he has had two swellings around his neck that the traditional medicine men and women could not cure. His mother tried to take him to other hospitals around his community but eventually used up all her money on transport trying to find a doctor who could cure her boy.
Recently during one of MOHI’s medical camps, he was referred to Nairobi for further analysis. MOHI facilitated his travel and visit to a hospital in Nairobi for a biopsy. After the biopsy it was found that the swelling was caused by Lymph Node Tuberculosis.
This is one of the times that reminds us at MOHI how important and impactful our medical ministry is. Peter had been suffering for a long time, but with assistance and care, he was able to receive treatment and healing. Peter is on his way to recovery with the right medication for this treatable illness. Praise God for the grace He has given MOHI to provide avenues for God to restore health and give someone life and life in abundance.
Join us in praying for MOHI’s Health team as they show the love of Jesus in communities that need it most.
*Names have been changed to protect privacy.