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Kibarani Clinic for Children Living with Physical Disabilities

By MOHI on May 29, 2024 3:45:00 PM

In the Kibarani community, children living with physical disabilities often face social ostracization due to prevailing stigmas. Unfortunately, physical disabilities are sometimes viewed as bad luck. Families, burdened by societal judgment, often hesitate to seek help, leading to some children being confined to their homes.

To address this issue, Missions of Hope International (MOHI), in partnership with CURE Kenya, hosts mobile clinics to identify and link children with orthopedic disabilities to special health services, providing a safe haven for community members to bring their children for assessment and treatment. The CURE team assessed 47 children living with various physical deformities, ranging from bow legs to severe contractures from burn accidents at our Kibarani Center. Of these children, 32 were in need of medical attention ranging from physical therapy and fabricating custom orthotics to surgery in the future.

These mobile clinics serve as a beacon of hope for this vulnerable population, offering affected children the opportunity to receive treatment. MOHI partners with doctors from CURE International, providing children with access to surgeries that they wouldn't otherwise have been able to receive. Beyond medical intervention, these initiatives play a crucial role in educating the community and reducing the stigma associated with physical deformities, fostering greater acceptance and understanding.

Through these efforts, these children and their families are given a second chance at life, free from the constraints of societal judgment and exclusion.
