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A Journey to Hope

By MOHI on Jun 18, 2024 9:57:22 AM

The Bondeni area within the Mathare slums of Nairobi is a hard place to grow up. Rachael called Bondeni home all her life. Forced to drop out of school in tenth grade due to financial constraints, she dreamt of a better life for her children.

A ray of hope arrived when MOHI social workers visited Mathare, enrolling her eldest son in their program. This critical step not only provided education but also nutritious meals, a lifeline for Rachael's family.

Life, however, wasn't easy. The 2007-2008 general election instigated violence that ravaged Mathare. Rachael and her family fled their home, losing everything. They found refuge at a nearby army base where they encountered MOHI once again. This time, MOHI provided essential supplies like mattresses, blankets, cookware, and food baskets. The support helped Rachael rebuild her life when it was safe to return to Bondeni.

Challenges continued, but MOHI remained a constant source of support. When Rachael and her husband decided to split up, her son found a safe haven at MOHI's Joska Center, a boarding school. Meanwhile, Rachael's youngest child faced frequent illnesses. MOHI's social workers and the clinic at MOHI's Pangani Center ensured he received proper medical care.

Beyond practical support, MOHI offered guidance and encouragement. Social worker visits focused on maintaining a hygienic home despite Bondeni's crowded conditions. They also provided spiritual guidance and encouragement. "The social workers at MOHI would keep me grounded and determined not to give up," Rachael recalls.


The social workers at MOHI would keep me grounded and determined not to give up.

Rachael Munyau wth SW

As years passed, Rachael's life transformed. She rebuilt a stable environment for her children, even welcoming her sister's daughter into their home. This niece thrived at MOHI's Bondeni Center, becoming a school leader and a role model for others.

Rachael's oldest son graduated high school and is now pursuing a career in IT, even finding employment within MOHI's IT department. Rachael's dreams for her children have come true. Thanks to MOHI, they have received an education beyond her own reach, and she can provide for her niece as well.

Reflecting on her journey, Rachael is grateful that her children are not following the path of petty crime or early motherhood that ensnared many in her community. While she's never met her children's sponsors, her heart overflows with appreciation. Their generosity has opened doors to a brighter future for her family.

Rachael's story is a powerful example of how MOHI empowers individuals and families to break the cycle of poverty and build a life filled with hope.
