Next week, 416 MOHI students from six different centers will complete their national exams for admission to high school. In total, approximately 99 candidates from Joska, 97 from Ndovoini, 64 from Kosovo and Mathare North, 93 from Pangani, and 63 from Bondeni will sit for the national exam on November 10-12. This is the first year that 8th-grade students in MOHI’s Nairobi centers will complete the exam, given the addition of upper-level primary classes at certain centers.
Wilson Mwaura, a student at Ndovoini, scored high marks on his practice exam. He hopes to score even higher on the actual exam so that he may join the most prestigious high school in Nairobi. After high school, Wilson hopes to pursue a career in neurosurgery. "I know the Lord will give me wisdom and an open mind to discover all the tricks in the papers," said Wilson. "I have done my best and hope to pass well."
Each year, all eighth-grade students in Kenya must sit for the three-day national exam to receive a certificate of completion for primary education. The score a student earns on the exam determines which high school he or she is eligible to attend. If a student fails the exam, he or she may be eligible to attend a vocational school instead. Subjects tested on the exam include math, Swahili, English, composition, social studies, science, and religious studies.
Please join the MOHI staff and parents in praying for these candidates as they complete this very important exam.
Last weekend, hundreds of MOHI students, their families, MOHI staff, and Outreach Hope Church pastors gathered at MOHI’s Joska center to pray for the exam candidates. Students at the gathering presented skits, poems, and dances to the audience to celebrate and commemorate this milestone in their education. After the prayer session, the candidates shared fun moments with their family members who attended to wish them success. A similar prayer gathering is scheduled to take place at MOHI’s Kosovo center tomorrow.