Director's Report: August 2015
Each passing day at Missions of Hope International (MOHI), we are expectant of what the Lord has in store for us and for the little ones He has entrusted to us. We face many challenges because these children come from varied homes and family backgrounds, with varied culture and behavior. In serving the children at MOHI, we experience both joys and tears at times. But one thing we are sure of every time is that the Lord knows and sees the labor of our hands. He promises us His presence, and He certainly has been a present help whenever we need Him. Thus, we wake up each morning with joy in our hearts, expectant of what the Lord will surprise us with!
God has been blessing the ministry of MOHI in many ways. We would like to share one amazing story of God’s faithfulness to us. This month, former MOHI student Clyde Mukanzi left for Canada after God favored him with a full scholarship to study at the University of Toronto. Clyde plans to study economics and computer science. Clyde is the first among MOHI children to get an opportunity to study abroad. There was a lot of joy here as we celebrated with Clyde!
Clyde joined MOHI in 2007 when God started expanding our child sponsorship program. He performed very well in the eighth-grade exams and joined Starehe Boys’ Centre, a national high school in Kenya. In high school, he scored the highest grade and was placed in the roll of top honors in the national school.
Throughout his education, Clyde has been a disciplined and hard-working young man who loves God. While in high school, he occasionally came back to our schools to speak to and encourage the other students at MOHI. He was a good example and mentor to many students coming behind him.
After high school, Clyde joined one of the local universities to pursue a medical degree as he waited for his scholarship to be granted. We rejoice with Clyde and his family as we see what the Lord has done for him-- lifting him from the slums to greater heights where he now joins university internationally. We believe there will be more joining Clyde as God lifts many students from the valley to the mountain of God.
Clyde’s story encourages us that our labor in the Lord is not in vain. We are grateful to all of you whom God is using to support the children of Mathare Valley. As Matthew 25:40 says, "Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to Me.”
Our daughter Faith (Imani) has been home from university for the summer. This has been a great blessing to our family! Our sons Victory and David are in 11th and 3rdgrades, respectively, at Rosslyn Academy. They all love playing soccer! David is in a soccer club where he has to practice every Saturday. Wallace and I are also working hard to finish our Masters in Leadership degrees at Pan African University.
Let’s keep one another in prayers for His glory and honor!
Mary & Wallace Kamau