Community Update - Term 3, 2024
Greetings from Lochoredome!
Hello. I hope you are well. Thank you for your support and partnership throughout the year. We would like to share with you some of the term’s highlights.
Mulunda W Maxwell
Head Teacher, Lochoredome
Hope Transforms: A Success Story
Joyce* was born in 2013 in Lochoredome village. She is the oldest of five siblings. Joyce is currently in Grade 3.
Her father is a cook, and her mother is a homemaker. Joyce was sent to live with her grandmother in a remote area to care for her and the family's sheep while her other siblings including her two sisters attended school.
One day, while Joyce was visiting her parents she became inspired to attend school herself. She learned about Missions of Hope International and saw it as an opportunity to improve her life. Joyce then came to our Center and met one of MOHI’s social workers. She expressed her longing to go to school. The social worker contacted her parents, but her mother was initially hesitant to let her attend school. However, with encouragement from the social workers, her father agreed to let Joyce enroll in the program.
Joyce was malnourished and in poor health when she first joined the program. She has since improved significantly and accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior.
Through the program, Joyce has broken free from the traditional expectations for girls in her culture, which often involve early marriage and domestic roles. She now aspires to become a doctor.
Joyce is doing well in school and enjoys her time at Lochoredome Center.
*Name changed for privacy
Term Highlights
- We held a prayer day led by Pastor Simon Thoya from Outreach Hope Church Napuu. We prayed for our students and dedicated them to the Lord.
- We also had a successful graduation ceremony for our kindergarten students, who will be joining first grade next year.
- Our Grade 4 students actively participated in the MOHI spelling bee competition, and one of them emerged as the winner.
Partner Connections
- Rocky Mountain Christian Church, spent the night at Lochoredome. It was a wonderful experience. Some of the team members led a Vacation Bible School (VBS) while others worked with the medical team to screen our students
Prayer Requests
- Please pray for the health and safety of our students as they are home for the long holiday.
- Please pray for God's protection over the community, especially from harm caused by snakes, scorpions, and spiders.
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