Community Update - Term 3, 2024
Greetings from Kiwandani!
Praise God! Kiwandani Center sends warm greetings to you. We would like to share with you some of the highlights of this term as we thank you for your continued support and partnership.
Calvin Kidiga Endegwa
Head Teacher, Kiwandani
Hope Transforms: A Success Story
Alma* faced and overcame significant health challenges. She is 12 years old and is in Grade 5. She lives in the Kiwandani area in a single, iron-sheet room with her family. The family has lived here for over 10 years. Alma is the firstborn of three siblings.
The family lives in a small, crowded neighborhood where survival is a daily struggle. The father works as a motorcycle taxi driver, offering rides for a small fee. He spends long hours on the road, trying to earn enough to take care of the family's needs. His motorcycle is old and often breaks down, adding extra stress to their already tight budget. The mother is a casual laborer, working whenever she can find a job. She goes around looking for houses to clean, clothes to wash, or works on construction sites. Her income is inconsistent and unreliable, depending on the availability of work on any given day. When there is no work, the family often goes without food.
When Alma joined our program, she was diagnosed with throat cancer during one of MOHI's health screenings. It was determined that she required urgent and specialized medical attention. She met with many doctors across Kenya to confirm the diagnosis. MOHI sought the best possible treatment, and Alma underwent a series of treatments, including chemotherapy and surgeries, as recommended by the medical teams. After months of rigorous treatment, Alma's health improved, and the cancer was successfully treated. The doctors confirmed that the cancer was in remission, a moment of great relief and joy for the family.
Today, Alma is not only healthy but thriving. She has returned to school, where she is performing exceptionally well academically and socially. We give thanks to God for healing and the availability of healthcare that keeps our students alive and healthy.
*Name changed for privacy
Term Highlights
- This term marked the end of a nine-month discipleship class for our students who gave their lives to Christ. Graduates received certificates and had the opportunity to be baptized. Praise the Lord!
- Kiwandani Center participated in the MOHI spelling bee held at Kibarani Center. One of our students placed second.
- Sixty-five kindergarteners graduated this term and will be joining Grade 1 next year.
Partner Connections
- We were blessed to host the Shuck family who visited our MOHI Technical Training Institute in Kiwandani. Jill Shuck’s visit was so timely since the students were just learning about baking. Jill’s input was instrumental to their learning.
Prayer Requests
- Thank God for the growth of our Kiwandani community. We thank God for all of our students, and we pray for even more to join us.
- We pray for the good health of our staff. Many of our staff members have been sick in 2024, so we pray for good health for everyone at Kiwandani in 2025.
- We pray for the transformation of the students and community we serve. May they all come to know Jesus.
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