Kiamaiko Ngei
Community Update - Term 3, 2024
Greetings from Kiamaiko Ngei!
Calvary greetings. We thank God for this far He has brought us as the MOHI Kiamaiko Ngei family. We are grateful for your support that has made this year successful and we appreciate your contribution to the transformation of the Kiamaiko Ngei community.
Joseph Musyoki Mukoma
Head Teacher, Kiamaiko Ngei
Hope Transforms: A Success Story
Linda* is a single mother of two children who are both attending high school at MOHI's Joska and Ndovoini Centers. MOHI's sponsorship has been instrumental in providing her children with an education that she would not have been able to afford on her own.
Linda and her children live in the Kiamaiko-lower area, where she works as a casual cleaner to support her family. In 2023, a devastating fire destroyed her home, leaving her and her children without shelter or possessions. Before she was able to fully recover from the fire, tragedy struck again. Her home was affected by the flooding that hit many homes in the Mathare area. The fire tragedy, coupled with the floods of 2024, pushed Linda to the brink of despair.
A social worker at Missions of Hope International took the opportunity to work with Linda. The tragedies took a toll on Linda. She stopped going to church and was withdrawn from her family and friends. Through counseling, emotional support, and emergency relief like food, clothing, and temporary housing, we began to rebuild her life.
As she slowly began to heal, Linda rediscovered her faith. The social worker would often evangelize to her, reminding her of scripture and keeping her hope in God’s faithfulness alive. Eventually, she went back to church and reconnected with her community. Her renewed sense of hope and purpose fueled her determination to overcome adversity.
Linda’s story is a testament to the power of human resilience and the importance of community support. It is an honor to witness her journey of healing and hope.
*Name changed for privacy
Term Highlights
- We are proud to have graduated kindergarten students this year. Our little ones will be joining Grade 1 next year.
- We are so excited for our Grade 6 students who sat for a national test this year and are now looking forward to joining Grade 7 next year.
Partner Connections
- We are pleased to have hosted the Africa Fire Mission team who came to train us on fire safety. We performed a fire drill that would prepare us in the event of a fire.
Prayer Requests
- Pray for the safety of our students, their families, and our staff during the December holiday break.
- Thank God with us for our partners who support our center programs. May God bless them.
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