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Community Update - Term 1, 2024
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Greetings from Joska!

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ from Joska center. It has been a good term that the Lord has given us. Another opportunity to serve and be part of the transformation of lives for the children, families in our Joska Community. We appreciate your support and partnership as we work towards bringing hope through the love of Jesus.

Erick Wabuti and Jane Waweru
Head Teachers, Joska


Flood Update:

Since this Community Update was written before the extreme rain and flooding took place in Kenya, we want to provide a quick update.

During the heavy rains, the first floor of our girls' dormitory was flooded. We are working to replace the roof. Additionally, some of our students and their families were affected by the flooding. We are connecting with them to provide support.

If you'd like to donate to MOHI's flood relief efforts, you can donate here.


Current Stats
1,488 Enrolled Students
437 Unsponsored Students


Will you sponsor a student from Joska?


Hope Transforms: A Success Story

Lilly*, is a twelve-year-old girl from a family of four in Kargi, Marsabit County. She began her journey with Missions of Hope International in Grade 1 back in 2017. Due to her age, Lilly skipped kindergarten and joined Grade 1. In 2023, she transferred to Missions of Hope Joska Center, joining Grade 7.

Coming from a single-parent household, Lilly's mother has faced the challenges of raising them alone following separation due to domestic issues. With two sisters in college, Lilly's extended family came together to provide support.

Health concerns, coupled with withdrawal and aggression towards others, affected Lilly's attendance and academic performance. However, her move to our Joska boarding school marked the start of her transformation. With close monitoring of her health at both of MOHI’s Joska and Pangani clinics, Lilly's health improved, allowing her to attend school regularly. Counseling sessions at the Center also aided in adjusting her attitude and social interactions. This led to newfound friendships and improved self-confidence, subsequently positively impacting her academics.

Lilly's spiritual growth has also been positively affected, actively participating in spiritual programs and developing a deep love for God and others.

The school's feeding program has contributed to Lilly's overall well-being. This is evident in her improved appearance and increased personal responsibility and hygiene habits. Her teachers and social workers remain committed to supporting Lilly's transformation. Lilly looks forward to joining college and eventually returning to the Kargi community as a catalyst for positive change.

*Name changed for privacy



Term Highlights

  • The annual general parents meeting took place at the primary school section. Our parents and teachers had a great time deliberating on different issues concerning their students and children.

  • Orientation was held for the 280 new Grade 9 students who joined our school.

  • High school students showcased their talents at a science fair competition, competing up to the county level in mathematics, computer science, and engineering.

  • As part of our commitment to teacher development, all our teaching staff underwent module 2 of core teacher training, a training that equips them to be better and more effective educators.

  • Primary school pupils demonstrated their skills in an inter-MOHI schools tournament, with the girls' team emerging victorious in soccer.

  • We are proud of our primary school students who showcased their acting skills, reaching the zonal levels at the National Drama Festivals.

  • High school students displayed their athleticism in various ballgame competitions, including basketball up to the sub-county level, handball and athletics up to the county level.

  • A total of 104 Grade 6 students had a transformative experience at the Angaza Discovery Camp in Kilifi.



Partner Connections

  • We hosted the Mountain Christian Church Ladies, who were taken through orientation, toured the school, and interacted with students in the classrooms. Additionally, two girls were sponsored on that day. We extend our gratitude to our partners for their generous support and love.



Prayer Requests

  • Praising God for His blessings! The Joska family is grateful for His protection and unwavering love. Thank God with us for that!

  • Let us pray for abundant blessings upon our MOHI partners who have faithfully supported students and families at Joska.

  • Let us also pray for additional sponsorships to support students who are currently without sponsorship.

  • Pray for the families affected by the floods. May God provide for them and meet them at their point of need.