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Community Update - Term 1, 2024
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Greetings from Bondeni!

Praise God! I trust that you are doing well. We are thankful for the Lord's protection over the lives of both the children and the staff here at MOHI. We are also grateful for your ongoing support and partnership as we strive to make a difference in the communities we serve through the love of Jesus. Here are some of the highlights from this term.

Jackson Godfrey Okinda
Head Teacher, Bondeni


Flood Update:

Since this Community Update was written before the extreme rain and flooding took place in Kenya, we want to provide a quick update.

Although we recently experienced heavy rains and flooding, we are thankful to report that our center was not damaged. Unfortunately, however, several of our students and their families were affected by the flooding. We are connecting with them to provide support.

If you'd like to donate to MOHI's flood relief efforts, you can donate here.


Current Stats
988 Enrolled Students
189 Unsponsored Students


Will you sponsor a student from Bondeni?


Hope Transforms: A Success Story

In the heart of the bustling Mathare slum, Betty* and her family faced daily struggles as her single mother worked tirelessly to provide for her five children, including 11-year-old Betty and her three siblings attending our school. Betty’s mother worked occasionally at a local bar as a bartender. This did not give her enough to sustain the family’s daily needs. Despite living paycheck to paycheck, their humble iron sheet house offered a semblance of stability amid the challenges of poverty.

A glimmer of hope emerged when a compassionate social worker from Missions of Hope International intervened in their lives. Recognizing their circumstances, Betty was offered a spot at our Bondeni school, providing a lifeline of opportunity in the midst of despair.

As Betty began her educational journey, their social worker worked with the family encouraging and empowering them to come to terms with their situation and give them the tools to make impactful change. During this time her mother found newfound determination to navigate their challenges, from ensuring Betty's medical needs were met after a near-fatal accident to seeking financial independence through starting a fruit vending business.

Through the support of Missions of Hope International, the family not only experienced economic progress but also found community and spiritual strength. Encouraged by this support, Betty's mother embraced sobriety and faith, transforming their lives from hardship to hope.

Betty's story exemplifies resilience and grace, symbolizing a journey from despair to a brighter future for the family. Through education, empowerment, and unwavering faith, they overcame adversity, leaving behind a legacy of redemption and strength.

We are grateful to witness the transformation in this family and give thanks for their journey.

*Name changed for privacy



Term Highlights

  • We thank God for the successful parents and teachers meetings held at our center. These meetings provided an opportunity for students and parents to discuss the academic progress of the students and to ensure they receive the necessary support to excel academically.



Prayer Requests

  • Let's pray for the good health of our students, their parents, and our staff members. May they all experience strength and well-being in body and mind.

  • Lift up the parents in prayers, asking for economic empowerment and opportunities to improve their livelihoods.

  • Pray for the success of all programs planned for implementation in the year 2024. May they be fruitful and impactful in fulfilling our mission and serving our community.

  • Pray for the families affected by the floods. May God provide for them and meet them at their point of need.