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Public declaration of our faith

Public declaration of our faith

By Judy Makori; Senior Writer MOHI on Sep 28, 2021 4:00:00 PM

Baptism4It was an overcast Sunday morning at the Missions of Hope International (MOHI) Ndovoini center when 46 boys were baptized.  On September 5th, these students, drawn from both the primary and secondary school, made this public declaration of their faith.

MOHI’s CEO, Pastor Wallace, was at hand to give the Sunday morning sermon and he charged the young men - aged between 12 and 20 years - to stand firm in their faith. Ndovoini’s Outreach Hope Church Pastor Wycliffe Fwama led the team that was carrying out the baptisms. 

The boys had given their lives to Christ during two different functions held in February and May. Pastor Fwama then took them through a three-month-long discipleship class which culminated with the baptism.

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“We thank God for the work we have seen him do in the lives of these students,” he said. “Baptism is, however, not the end of this process. We are linking each one of them to a local church and to a pastor who can mentor them when they are on holiday.

In school, I will continue to keep them engaged in various spiritual programs such as the Bible study we have every Saturday afternoon. We also encourage them to lead peer-to-peer devotions as a way to motivate the entire student body to delve deeper into the Word of God.” 

Please join us as we keep these young men in our prayers that they will stand firm for their faith.

