After eight years of growing up together in their local school, many of our grade eight learners will now bid each other farewell as they move on to different boarding high schools located around Kenya.
Come Monday, July 26th, the 2021 academic calendar year will finally start 7 months late. Some 1,273 pupils from MOHI will be among thousands of others making their transition to high school as grade nine students.
To prepare them for this next phase of their lives, MOHI's spiritual department arranged for sessions with learners across most of our centers.
"In the month of June, we held these commissioning events to help our students prepare for life in high school," said Catherine Gathoni - MOHI Spiritual Development Manager.
"During these sessions, we encouraged them to walk closely with the Lord, reminding them that He has a plan and purpose for their lives. We gave them Bibles even as we prayed for them and sent them off to start this new phase of their lives."
It was also a time of fun as the students shared a meal together and had an afternoon of dancing and fellowshipping together.
We wish them all the best and we will keep them in our prayers even as we continue to monitor their progress in high school.
