Sunday morning donuts. Bring donuts on a Sunday morning and charge a dollar for a sugary treat. Don’t forget to set out a donation jar in case anyone is feeling extra sweet!
Loose change collection. Set aside a few Sundays and announce to your congregation that the mission team is collecting loose change. Set up areas to collect the change and have students go around before and after the service, asking for donations.
Ice cream social. Get a few gallons of ice cream and have your team members bring their favorite toppings! Charge a few dollars or ask for free-will donations for a delicious treat.
Themed cookbook. Have your team submit recipes for a cookbook. These could be their favorite recipes or recipes from the country you’re visiting. Then ask for donations for a copy of your cookbook.
Chili cook-off. Everyone has their favorite family recipe for chili! Put them to the test and host a chili cookoff.
Rake leaves. If the leaves are falling, use it as an opportunity to serve your church members and raise some funds!
Dog walking. Give the pups of the church some exercise (and their owners a break) by offering to walk dogs for donations!
Social media challenge. Bring on the competition and have your team members conduct a social media challenge to see who can raise the most money!
Pick a number. Create a wall with numbers. Have people donate the amount of money for the number they chose! This is an easy way for a large number of people to get involved and donate smaller amounts.
Golf tournament. If you have family members and friends who love to golf, why not host a tournament? Work with your local golf course to find a date that works.
Used book sale. Ask people to donate the books they’ve read and no longer want! People can get rid of old books and others can find new favorites.
Singing telegrams. Rally the singers on your team and offer a singing telegram in exchange for donations. Who wouldn’t want to surprise someone at work with a group of singers?
Sell cinnamon rolls or cookie dough. Everyone loves baked goods! Sell homemade cinnamon rolls or cookie dough, delivered right to sponsors’ doors.
Talent show. Highlight the talent of your team! Host a talent show and let people show off their skills.
Host a workshop. Does someone on your team do photography? Or paint? Or play an instrument? Host a workshop and have them teach their skills to family, friends, or church members!
Silent auction. Have the members of your team work to collect donations from church members or local businesses for a silent auction. Add a twist and ban talking for the first half hour!
At-home car wash. Rather than having people come to you for a car wash, why not create a traveling car wash? Go to people’s houses and offer convenient car washes (or dog washes, if they need that instead!).
Pledge a mile. Count the number of miles to your destination and have family, friends, and church members donate funds to “purchase” a length of the trip.
Fettuccine feed. A cheap option to raise funds! Host a fettuccine (or spaghetti) feed after church with a free will donation.
Church game night. Bring some board games and pop some popcorn! This can be an inexpensive way to raise funds and bring your church family together for a fun night.
“Give it up” fundraiser. Have people “give something up” and donate the funds they would use for that. For example, encourage people to give up eating out or getting coffee for a week and give that amount to your trip!
Write fundraising letters. Work as a team to write a creative letter to church members, asking them to donate to your mission trip! Don’t forget to follow up with a thank you card.
We’ve loved hearing how MOHI mission teams have raised support over the years. If you have any creative mission trip fundraising ideas to add to the list, let us know!