NEWS UPDATE: Preparing Our Students For High School
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way (Psalm 37:23)
In mid-October, this year, Missions of Hope International (MOHI) held a prayer day for all grade eight students. This was to commit them to the Lord as they prepared to sit for the national primary school exit exam that would usher them into high school.
The exam successfully began from October 28th to October 31st with 1,088,986 candidates sitting for it nationwide. Among these were MOHI’s over 1,050 students. After completion, the students are expected to stay at home until they receive their acceptance letters to high school.
However, rather than sit and then blindly send our students to this next phase of their lives without adequate preparation, MOHI developed a program to make this transition smoother. The MOHI commissioning program is a four-day program where both boys and girls receive words of advice and instruction.
The boys came in on 11th to 12th November and the girls’ day was 13th and 14th. It was a whole day affair starting from 8:30 in the morning until 4 pm at the Pangani center. The days’ events involved praise and worship sessions, sermons, and motivational talks.
The teens were also split into discussion groups where they tackled topics such as purity, discipleship and handling peer pressure. They then made presentations of the topics covered and shared a meal together.
Various MOHI staff members were at hand to oversee the days’ logistics and also to give motivational, educational talks to the children.
In his presentation, Special Projects Director Ephantus Wanyiri emphasized the importance of having a noble character and being a person of honor.
“Your honor defines who you are. This component must be an integral part of you if you want to be considered as one who is trustworthy, reliable, has good morals and is worthy of respect,” he said.
Catherine Maina, MOHI Spiritual Department Manager, said this commissioning program is significant because it serves as a bridge from one academic step to the next.
“This program is important for our learners because it enlightens them on what is coming next, how to prepare for it, what possible challenges lie ahead and how to tackle them. Doing this for them also shows them that we love and care for them. We want them to know that they have our support even as they move on to high school,” she said.
At the end of these activity-packed four days, both boys and girls received Bibles as gifts.
The significance is that the Word of God is a lamp unto their feet and a light unto their path.
So, as they read their Bible, get to know and obey God’s Word, the instructions therein will guide them along every step they take.
With God by their side, we know our students will go through the four years of high school and then seamlessly transition to the next phase of their lives. Please join us as we keep these teenagers in our prayers that God will see them through this next phase of their lives.
Partner with us in the work God has called us to do among children and families living in disadvantaged communities to transform their lives through hope in Christ.