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What is it like to partner with MOHI?

Read the Story of Canyon Springs Christian Church

For senior pastor, Nick Duffel, the MOHI partnership has been a blessing and it started with the initial vision trip. Now, Canyon Springs Christian Church has been a MOHI partner for more than 5 years and they've expanded their impact in many different areas. In this church story, you'll learn what attracted Canyon Springs to the MOHI partnership, how it's worked for them, and the way it helps them achieve their mission as a church both locally and overseas. 


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Embrace MOHI's Approach

As you'll discover in many stories, it's quick to realize the impact you're making in these communities. MOHI schools and churches are true lights in a dark place.


Expand Your Impact

Discover how church members and pastors interact with the MOHI staff.  Learn more about how the organization functions, ask questions and hear about future vision and strategies.


Meet MOHI Students

Explore how MOHI makes it possible to build relationships with the students, from preschool all the way through high school - both virtually and as part of the on-the-ground mission work.