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Empowering Through Education

By MOHI on May 24, 2024 2:45:00 PM

Through MOHI’s Technical Training Institute (MTTI), Susan was able to pursue her dreams and transform her life. Before meeting us at Missions of Hope International (MOHI), Susan struggled financially, taking on odd jobs to make ends meet. Despite her faith, circumstances led her to work that conflicted with her values, such as selling and serving alcohol at a guest house. Feeling increasingly uneasy with her environment, Susan questioned how long she could continue.Susan Lokulan 2

Talking to a former MTTI students ignited hope in Susan. Whenever Susan and the former students would meet, they would encourage Susan to join the school and pursue a course. At first, Susan was uncertain; however, she knew that she couldn’t work at the guest house forever. Determined to change her life, Susan enrolled for a tailoring course at MTTI. Susan discussed balancing work and school with her manager at the guest house. Recognizing Susan's dedication, her manager supported her in her pursuit for an education.

While at MTTI, Susan thrived. She excelled in her coursework and graduated at the top of her class. Upon graduation, she received a brand new sewing machine from MOHI. Inspired and fully equipped, Susan opened her own home-based tailoring business. Initially she received skepticism from friends and neighbors. “People would often find it weird that my business operates from my home, but I did not despise my humble beginnings,” Susan says. Eventually Susan's hard work and commitment led to business growth and community recognition.


People would often find it weird that my business operates from my home, but I did not despise my humble beginnings.

In 2021, Susan's story took another exciting turn when she was offered a sewing instructor position by a walk-in customer at an organization that rehabilitates street children. Today, Susan not only imparts her skills to the next generation but also serves as a beacon of hope for those facing similar challenges.DSC03352

Susan’s children were also recruited to our Napuu Center. "Missions of Hope International has ensured my children can attend school and will graduate. My children never have to worry about not getting an education anymore," Susan says with a smile.


Missions of Hope International has ensured my children can attend school and will graduate. My children never have to worry about not getting an education anymore.

As Susan continues her successful journey, she remains grateful to MOHI for the life-changing opportunities provided. With her children's education secured, thanks to MOHI's support, Susan prays the organization continues to impact lives as profoundly as it has impacted hers.
