MOHI - Community Updates

Turi High School

Written by MOHI | Sep 17, 2024 8:51:46 PM

Greetings from Turi High School!

Greetings from Turi High School. We had a wonderful school term and would like to share some of the highlights. Thank you for your support and partnership as we work together to transform lives in Christ.

Wilson Mwaniki,
Head Teacher, Turi High School




Hope Transforms: A Success Story

Erick*, the eldest of six, desperately wanted to be in school like his peers. But poverty cast a long shadow over his dreams. His mother had left, his father was unreliable, and the weight of providing for his siblings fell on his young shoulders. He resorted to seeking casual labor to provide for his siblings.

One day Erick was with a group of men who came to Turi High School seeking employment on the farms to make a day's wage. This is when Erick caught the eye of one staff member. Employing Erick was out of the question, but the staff member was moved by Erick's story. 

Recognizing the opportunity to truly make a difference, Erick was offered more than just a day's wage. He offered him a chance to join Turi High School, complete with uniforms and supplies. It was a lifeline Erick grasped with both hands.

Today, Erick is a different boy. He's thriving in school, embracing extracurricular activities, particularly soccer. His eyes sparkle with newfound hope, and his future seems brighter than ever. This is the power of compassion, the power of a single act of kindness that can change the course of a young life. Erick's story is a testament to the transformative impact of education and the unwavering commitment of those who believe in giving every child a chance to shine.

*Name changed for privacy


  • We are proud of our students who qualified for the national competitions at the Kenya Music Festival.

  • 80 of our Grade 9 and 10 students attended a career counseling event at a local university. This gave them some ideas and insights on what they might want to pursue in the future.
  • We held a celebration and dedication of the two newly constructed dorms. The event was a great time to worship God for what He is doing at our center.


  • We were blessed to have Grace Bible Church visit us this term. They participated in mentorship and sports activities. The team distributed T-shirts to all students and staff.


  • Pray for divine health for our students and staff members.

  • Pray for the families of our students, that they may be committed to supporting their children's welfare.

  • Pray for the families across Kenya who were affected by the floods and demolitions, may God provide for their every need.

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