MOHI - Community Updates


Written by MOHI | Jun 14, 2024 8:42:21 PM

Greetings from Olturot!

Greetings from Olturot Center! We are grateful for God's grace that has brought us this far. It has been a good term, and we are excited to share some highlights with you. Thank you for your continued support and partnership as we bring hope to the Olturot community for the glory of God.

Jacob Kirui
Head Teacher, Olturot


Flood Update:

Since this Community Update was written before the extreme rain and flooding took place in Kenya, we want to provide a quick update.

Despite the heavy rains, we are thankful to report that neither our center nor the students we serve were directly affected. We did not experience the flooding that other areas were subject to.

If you'd like to donate to MOHI's flood relief efforts, you can donate here.




Hope Transforms: A Success Story

Samuel* is a 9-year-old boy born in Olturot village. He's the fourth of seven children and lives with his family in a two-roomed house made of sticks, mud, and covered with boxes. These houses are commonly referred to as manyattas. Samuel attends MOHI Olturot Center and is currently in Grade 3.

Before enrolling at the center, Samuel used to look after their neighbor's camels after his father abandoned the family, leaving all responsibilities to his mother. It was during a community health evangelism program that a social worker met Samuel. Initially hostile and unfriendly due to his isolated upbringing, Samuel eventually opened up and shared his story. The social worker discovered that financial constraints prevented any of the children from attending school.

Missions of Hope International (MOHI) intervened, ensuring that all of Samuel's siblings were enrolled in Olturot Center. Samuel, now in Grade 3, is one of the top-performing students in his class. He dreams of becoming a government official so he can transform his community. He works diligently to achieve this goal.

Through morning devotions and biblical teachings at MOHI, Samuel has developed a strong relationship with God, contrasting with his previous life. He is friendly, relates well with his peers, and enjoys reciting memory verses both in class and at church.

Thanks to Missions of Hope International, Samuel's hope has been restored. Encouragement and biblical teachings have empowered him to accept his family situation and work hard towards his dreams. He is now a happy and peaceful child.

*Name changed for privacy


  • We were delighted to see all of our students come back after the long Christmas break.

  • We were equally delighted to have new students join the school this term from kindergarten to other advanced classes.


  • Agristewards initiated Farming God's Way both in school and the community. The skills taught have given us the tools to create a more sustainable way of living.


  • Thank God for our new kindergarten students who joined us this term.

  • Pray for rain in the area allowing our crops to grow and have more than enough for the cattle to graze. 

  • Pray for peace in our community.

  • Pray for the families affected by the floods. May God provide for them and meet them at their point of need.