MOHI - Community Updates


Written by MOHI | Sep 17, 2024 8:47:13 PM

Greetings from Ndovoini!

We give glory to God for being with us throughout the second term. Here are some of the successes and highlights we want to share with you. Thank you for your continued support and partnership as we transform lives in the Ndovoini community.

Job Mulongo Barasa
Head Teacher, Ndovoini




Hope Transforms: A Success Story

Anne* is a five year old student in kindergarten and has two older brothers. They lost their father in 2019 after a short illness. With nowhere else to go, they moved in with their elderly maternal grandmother.

At that time, Anne’s health was in a dire state; she was very weak, had skin rashes all over her body and was severely malnourished. She also suffered from a persistent cold, struggled to speak clearly, and was frequently in tears.

Anne was often left at home with her grandmother when her mother would leave to go find casual labor and provide for the family. It was while she was at home that a social worker met her and her grandmother while visiting parents and students of our Ndovoini Center at home. She was then recruited into our center after the social worker got to know them. 

Like every other MOHI student, Anne was then enrolled into the school feeding program. She began receiving regular meals, nutritional supplements and medical care from our MOHI Joska clinic. By the end of the 2nd term this year, her transformation was remarkable.

Now she is healthier, gets sick less often, she speaks more confidently, even her skin is smoother. Her academic performance is still improving, she is catching up with her classmates. She loves being in school and has made lots of friends. We are grateful for the transformation in Anne’s life and the part that MOHI got to play in it.

*Name changed for privacy


  • We had a very fruitful weekend challenge (a weekend retreat) where 18 students were born again. They are currently going through a new believers class. Thereafter, they will have the opportunity to get baptized if they choose to. Praise God!

  • We are grateful to have our music club members in junior secondary participate in the Kenya Music Festival competition. They did very well and managed to make it to the nationals that were held in Eldoret, Western Kenya!

  • We were excited to have the opportunity God gave us to host the MOHI spelling bee finals here at our Ndovoini Center.


  • Snyder Memorial Baptist Church visited our center. They were able to see the kind of impact that we make here in Ndovoini and got to meet our students who loved having them around.

  • Baker City Church also came to visit our center. It was the first time for some of them so it was great interacting with them and sharing with them the great impact we make here at Ndovoini. They also had time to interact with the students and hear their stories.

  • Christ’s Church of the Valley’s medical team came to give medical attention to our community members. They attended to people who were near sighted and also gave our students a check-up to ensure they are in good health.


  • Pray for God's protection over our students and teachers. 

  • Pray for our country’s leadership as they formulate policies to govern the nation.
  • Pray for our parents who are having a hard time providing for their families in these tough economic times. Pray God will meet them at their point of need.

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