MOHI - Community Updates


Written by MOHI | Jun 14, 2024 6:03:19 PM

Greetings from Namarei!

Greetings from Namarei Center! We are filled with gratitude for the journey we have shared and the achievements we have made in this first term of the year. Thank you for your unwavering support and partnership as we continue to transform the Namarei community through the hope and love of Jesus Christ.

Benard Muithi
Head Teacher, Namarei


Flood Update:

Since this Community Update was written before the extreme rain and flooding took place in Kenya, we want to provide a quick update.

Despite the heavy rains, we are thankful to report that neither our center nor the students we serve were directly affected. We did not experience the flooding that other areas were subject to.

If you'd like to donate to MOHI's flood relief efforts, you can donate here.




Hope Transforms: A Success Story

In the heart of Namarei, lives a brave girl named Cathrine*. At just thirteen years old, Cathrine's life was a mix of challenges and moments of sheer resilience.

Living in Namarei meant facing the daily realities of life in a rural community, where wild animals roamed freely. Catherine’s days were spent herding cattle for her family, a responsibility she took on with pride. However, in the vast expanse of the countryside, danger lurked in the form of predatory animals, ready to pounce at any moment. Cathrine was often afraid as she watched over the family's livestock, always vigilant, always aware of the potential threat.

But amidst the challenges of her daily life, Cathrine held onto a dream – a dream of education, of a better future. She knew that education was the key to unlocking new opportunities, to breaking free from the cycle of poverty that gripped her community. And so, with unwavering determination, Cathrine made the courageous decision to pursue her dream.

Leaving behind the familiarity of her family's culture and opinions, Cathrine ventured to make her own path. It was at Missions of Hope Namarei Center that Cathrine's journey truly began. She introduced herself to the social worker and told them her story. Seeing Cathrine’s determination, it was without a doubt that she would be admitted into the school. Soon Cathrine joined Missions of Hope Namarei Center.

At MOHI Namarei Center, Cathrine found a supportive community that embraced her with open arms. Here, amidst the hustle and bustle of school life, she discovered a newfound sense of purpose and belonging. With each passing day, Cathrine eagerly soaked up knowledge, her thirst for learning - unquenchable.

Today, Cathrine stands as a shining example of courage and resilience, a testament to the power of hope and determination. With the support of her teachers and friends at MOHI Namarei Center, she continues to pursue her dreams with unwavering resolve.

As she looks towards the future, Cathrine knows that the road ahead may be fraught with challenges. But armed with the lessons of her past and the support of her community, she faces the journey with courage and optimism. For Cathrine, the sky is the limit, and nothing can stand in the way of her dreams.

*Name changed for privacy


  • We are thankful for the progress on our new 6-classroom construction project! All glory to God!

  • We rejoice in the growth of our center as more students join our community. Each new addition brings hope for a brighter future, empowered by the transformational education they receive here.

  • Our farming project is thriving as we cultivate a variety of crops, including sweet potatoes, spinach, collard greens and cowpeas. By prioritizing nutrition, we are nurturing both the minds and bodies of our students. This initiative also plays into MOHI’s goal of sustainable living, allowing our school to supplement its budget on produce.


  • We were honored to host the Agristewards team, led by Brian Smith, who imparted valuable knowledge on Farming God's Way through demonstration farms and hands-on training to our staff and community members. We are proud to apply these principles to our school farming project.

  • It was a pleasure to welcome Pastor Keith Waggoner from Grace Bible Church, and friends to our center, where they engaged with our staff, parents, and students. Their visit provided an opportunity to showcase our progress, share our achievements, and address the challenges we face.


  • Please pray for the sponsorship of our students, as we endeavor to support the education of all our students.

  • Join us in prayer for the spiritual growth of our community members. May the power of the Holy Spirit touch their hearts, leading them to salvation and a life devoted to God's service.

  • Pray for the families affected by the floods. May God provide for them and meet them at their point of need.