MOHI - Community Updates

Korogocho Nyayo

Written by MOHI | May 23, 2024 10:20:28 PM

Greetings from Korogocho Nyayo!

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! We are excited to share some highlights of the first term of the year with you. Thank you for your unwavering support and partnership as we strive to transform lives through the love of Christ.

Eric Omondi
Head Teacher, Korogocho Nyayo


Flood Update:

Since this Community Update was written before the extreme rain and flooding took place in Kenya, we want to provide a quick update.

Although we recently experienced heavy rains and flooding, we are thankful to report that our center was not damaged. Unfortunately, however, several of our students and their families were directly affected by the flooding. We are connecting with them to provide support.

If you'd like to donate to MOHI's flood relief efforts, you can donate here.




Hope Transforms: A Success Story

Rachael’s* journey with Missions of Hope Korogocho Nyayo began in 2021. The year marked a pivotal moment for this young student and her family. Living with her mother and a two-year-old sibling, Rachael faced daunting challenges in the bustling streets of Korogocho.

Upon Rachael's enrollment, our team immediately recognized the depth of need within her family. With unwavering dedication, we engaged in heartfelt conversations with Rachael's mother, urging her to seek sustainable employment to provide stability for her family. Through our guidance and support, Rachael's mother courageously pursued casual work, eventually securing enough income to rent a modest dwelling.

As Rachael settled into her new home, she began to flourish both academically and physically. The nourishment provided by MOHI's feeding program played a crucial role in her development, evident in her improved health and vibrant participation in classroom activities.

Yet, our support extended beyond Rachael's academic pursuits. Our social workers conducted comprehensive home training, equipping Rachael's mother with invaluable skills and resources for self-sufficiency. Empowered by this guidance, Rachael's mother embraced a new venture in hairdressing, opening her own small business within their community.

The impact of this transformation rippled throughout Rachael's family, fostering a newfound sense of independence and resilience. With each haircut, Rachael's mother not only provided for her family's needs but also instilled within them a sense of hope and possibility for the future.

Additionally, the family found solace and support within the walls of their local church in Korogocho, where they forged meaningful connections and experienced the transformative power of faith and community.

Rachael's journey exemplifies the profound impact of holistic support and unwavering dedication in transforming lives. Through our collective efforts, we continue to uplift and empower families like Rachael's, paving the way for brighter futures and enduring change.

*Name changed for privacy


  • We are incredibly grateful that all vulnerable children identified for recruitment successfully enrolled in school this term, ranging between 4 and 12 years.

  • Praise God for the generous donation of Bibles from Gideons International, benefiting 208 students from Grades 4 to 7. Additionally, 40 pupils made commitments to Christ through this initiative.


  • Pray for the children we serve, that they may embrace education and the teachings of God's word.

  • Pray for the continued good health of our students, their parents, and our staff members.

  • Pray for the economic empowerment and harmonious living of the families we serve, that they may experience peace and prosperity in their homes and communities.

  • Pray for the families affected by the floods. May God provide for them and meet them at their point of need.