MOHI - Community Updates

Korogocho Grogan

Written by MOHI | May 23, 2024 10:12:32 PM

Greetings from Korogocho Grogan!

Greetings from Korogocho Grogan Center! Another fantastic school term has come to an end, and we're excited to share some highlights with you. Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership as we strive to transform lives through the love of Jesus Christ.

Faith Otondi
Head Teacher, Korogocho Grogan


Flood Update:

Since this Community Update was written before the extreme rain and flooding took place in Kenya, we want to provide a quick update.

Unfortunately, some of our students, families and community members were affected by the heavy rains and floods. Our staff is working to connect with those in need and provide support.

Additionally, our center was badly damaged. As a result, we moved all of our students and classrooms to a nearby, rented facility. This means our students won't experience an interruption to their education or their meal program.

If you'd like to donate to MOHI's flood relief efforts, you can donate here.




Hope Transforms: A Success Story

Mark*, a kindergarten student, has embarked on a remarkable journey of transformation under the care and support of Korogocho Grogan Center.

Mark's early life was fraught with challenges. Living with an aunt and uncle in the Grogan area, Mark faced financial constraints that prevented him from attending school regularly. His guardians struggled to make ends meet, with his uncle's previous occupation at a local bar adding to the family's hardships.

Despite these obstacles, Mark's innate resilience and the intervention of our social worker played pivotal roles in his transformation. Recognizing Mark's absence from school, our social worker delved deeper into his circumstances and uncovered a troubling reality: Mark was ill and lack of proper care was hindering his education.

With the support of the community, Mark received the medical attention he desperately needed and slowly began to recover. However, deeper challenges emerged as Mark's family grappled with cultural and traditional beliefs that opposed education, particularly for boys named after their grandfathers. This belief, coupled with Mark's illness and a subsequent burn injury, posed significant hurdles on his path to education.

Yet, through unwavering prayer and support from the community and our center, Mark's family began to shift their perspective. With determination and resolve, Mark was admitted to our school, marking a new chapter in his life.

Since joining our center, Mark has thrived academically, exceeding expectations in kindergarten. His journey is a testament to the transformative power of education and the unwavering support of our community. Today, Mark stands as a beacon of hope, inspiring others with his resilience and determination to overcome adversity.

*Name changed for privacy


  • We are incredibly proud of the positive response from our community, as they have supported the ongoing construction of our new tuition block.

  • We are thrilled about the success of our recent parents' meeting held before the midterm break. Parents were receptive and agreed to appoint class representatives and provide all necessary personal school requirements for their children.


  • Let us pray for guidance and protection for our faithful staff members at Grogan, that God's glory may be manifested in all their endeavors.

  • Please pray for the safety of the community we serve, many of whom are affected by drug abuse and high levels of insecurity.

  • Pray that God helps our staff members to be the catalyst of change the community needs. 

  • Pray for the families affected by the floods. May God provide for them and meet them at their point of need.