Greetings from Korogocho B!
Greetings in Jesus' name. We are all doing well at Korogocho B and thanking God for this far. We want to share with you the highlights of the first term of the year. Thank you for your continued support and partnership as we work towards transforming lives through the love of Jesus.
Evans Kimende
Head Teacher, Korogocho B
Flood Update:
Since this Community Update was written before the extreme rain and flooding took place in Kenya, we want to provide a quick update.
Although we recently experienced heavy rains and flooding, we are thankful to report that our center was not damaged. Unfortunately, however, several of our students and community members were directly affected by the flooding. We are connecting with them to provide support.
If you'd like to donate to MOHI's flood relief efforts, you can donate here.
Hope Transforms: A Success Story
Lucy*, a Grade 3 student, has experienced a remarkable transformation thanks to the support and intervention of Missions of Hope International (MOHI). Growing up in the challenging environment of Korogocho slums with an alcoholic single mother, Lucy lacked the care and support she needed.
Through the efforts of our social workers at MOHI, Lucy's life took a positive turn. She was enrolled in school with the necessary support to excel academically, emotionally, and spiritually. Despite facing challenges and frequently missing school, Lucy's life improved when her social worker advised that she would thrive better if she lived in a more stable home. Her social worker talked to Lucy’s grandmother and mother and made arrangements for her to move in with her grandmother, providing a stable environment conducive to Lucy’s growth.
Today, Lucy excels in her studies and remains optimistic about her future, despite the challenges with her relationship with her mother. Her journey underscores the vital role Missions of Hope International plays in transforming the lives of vulnerable children, offering them opportunities to thrive.
*Name changed for privacy