MOHI - Community Updates


Written by MOHI | Sep 17, 2024 8:08:39 PM

Greetings from Kiwandani!

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. We thank God for the term that we have had. We would like to share with you some of the highlights of the term. Thank you for your partnership as we transform lives through the love of Christ in the community of Kiwandani.

Calvin Kidiga Endegwa,
Head Teacher, Kiwandani




Hope Transforms: A Success Story

It all started during a VBS (Vacation Bible School) when one of our church partners visited. The music during the VBS attracted neighbors and community members who gathered around the Center's fence. Among the people standing at the fence was an eight-year-old boy named Faraja*. He was barefoot and wearing a torn shirt. He looked dirty and disheveled.

The social worker engaged Faraja in a conversation to discover his heartbreaking story. Faraja is the sixth of seven children, living in a mud-thatched house. He tearfully shared about his blind father and a mother who had no steady job. Faraja's mother struggles to care for the family through casual labor, but these opportunities are few and far between.

Moved by Faraja's story, our social worker arranged a home visit together with the partner church. The conditions were dire, but they shared words of hope with the family. The joy on their faces was palpable. They felt the love of Jesus through the visitors who considered them and came to their home. The family was downcast and burdened by the weight of life's struggles. Hope came once again to their home when MOHI arrived. While our social worker and visitors prayed for the family, the Holy Spirit touched some of Faraja's siblings' hearts, and they gave their lives to Christ. They wanted to get to know the Jesus that sent MOHI to their home.

Today, Faraja is a happy Grade 2 student at Kiwandani. He is an active and bright boy, no longer weighed down by his previous circumstances. On his first day of school, he couldn't hold back the tears of joy. He could now look at his future brightly. Indeed, Missions of Hope International transforms. Faraja will forever remember what God did for him.

*Name changed for privacy


  • This term, our church in Kiwandani held a women's seminar where we talked about the role of a woman and her identity in Christ. The men were not left behind either, 12 men embarked on their Man Enough program training. 

  • We are very proud of our music club who participated in the Kenya Music Festival. Our talented students qualified for the sub-county level. They had a great time learning from other schools and interacting with them. They are excited to compete at next year's festivals.

  • 61 students are set to graduate from kindergarten this year. The little ones are over excited to join Grade 1.


  • A medical team from Pathway Church visited us and they did ear-washing, checked vitals, and performed general examinations while administering medications to students, especially to kindergarten students. They also offered dental services.

  • Belmont Christian Church visited 21 homes and offered medical services to the staff and students. They had VBS (Vacation Bible School) with our students. They enjoyed the music, arts and crafts, Bible stories, and kite flying.

  • We hosted Vibrant Church and they conducted VBS.


  • Pray for our parents from this community that they may allow more of their children to come to school.

  • Pray for the Kiwandani community as they battle many of society's issues that come with poverty.

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