Greetings from Kiamaiko!
Receive greetings from Kiamaiko Center! We are trusting God you are doing well. We bless the Lord for the third term that has just ended. We sincerely thank you for your support in ensuring the children and the community are transformed through the love of Jesus. May God continue to enlarge your territories.
Damarice Ochare
Head Teacher, Kiamaiko
Hope Transforms: A Success Story
Ian* is an alumnus of Missions of Hope Kiamaiko Center. Ian joined MOHI in 2013 in Grade 3. His family struggled financially, and his parents struggled to provide for their children. MOHI’s support made it possible for Ian to attend school, a privilege his family could not afford.
Throughout his primary and secondary education, MOHI continued to support Ian and his siblings. This consistent support allowed them to focus on their studies and achieve academic success. In addition to education, MOHI provided Ian’s family with medical care at the Pangani clinic and counseling services to help them navigate life’s challenges.
Ian’s mother joined a Community Health Evangelism (CHE) group. Together, they empowered and encouraged each other in their faith and in life. She grew in her faith and became a preacher at her local church. This newfound role brought hope and stability to her family, strengthening their faith and resilience. Today, she is a respected leader in her community.
Ian’s journey has led him to become a university student, something that he hadn’t thought would be possible. He has inspired his siblings by giving them a guide on an alternative to life. Ian and his family have transformed so much with the help from Missions of Hope International. We thank God we could be a part of it.
*Name changed for privacy
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