MOHI - Community Updates


Written by MOHI | May 22, 2024 9:21:22 PM

Greetings from Kargi!

Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am thankful to God for His mercy and for His continuous care over us from the start of the term until now. Let's continue to place our trust in Him.

Kennedy Simatwa
Head Teacher, Kargi


Flood Update:

Since this Community Update was written before the extreme rain and flooding took place in Kenya, we want to provide a quick update.

Despite the heavy rains, we are thankful to report that neither our center or the students we serve were directly affected. We did not experience the flooding that other areas were subject to.

If you'd like to donate to MOHI's flood relief efforts, you can donate here.




Hope Transforms: A Success Story

In a small village, there lived a brave girl named Hannah*. At 12 years old, she is the fourth of six children, raised by a single widowed mother. Ever since her father passed away when she was very young, her mother had been struggling to make ends meet as a herdswoman. Despite her hardships, she held onto the dream of educating her children.

Hannah's life took a turn during the COVID-19 pandemic when schools closed their doors. It was during this time that she crossed paths with MOHI. Her cousin Mary*, a student at our Kargi Center, would often bring Hannah along to get schoolwork and study together. 

While out collecting firewood one day, Hannah found herself in a terrifying situation. She was assaulted, but her cousin Mary came to her rescue, bravely raising the alarm and rallying nearby community members to help. Although they scared away the assailant, Hannah was left with emotional scars. The trauma and stigma she faced made it difficult for her to return to school, and she became withdrawn and distant.

Concerned for Hannah's well-being, her family sought help from the social worker at our Kargi Center, despite Hannah not being a beneficiary of MOHI at the time. After careful consideration and discussions with her family and school headteacher, it was decided that Hannah would benefit from the supportive environment of our Kargi Center.

In January of 2021, Hannah transferred to the center, where she received trauma counseling and support. With time, love, and encouragement, Hannah began to heal. She slowly but surely reverted to her old self, finding joy in school activities, making friends, and regaining her confidence.

Today, Hannah is in Grade 5, radiating happiness and confidence. She holds her head high, no longer burdened by the weight of her past. She has become an integral part of the Student Christian Union (student-led discipleship group), using her musical talents to lead in devotions. From someone who once struggled to make eye contact or approach a teacher, Hannah has blossomed into a social butterfly, freely interacting with those around her.

Hannah's transformation is a testament to the power of love and the healing grace of Jesus. Her journey from darkness to light is a beacon of hope, reminding us all of the incredible resilience of the human spirit. We thank God for Hannah and the miraculous healing she has experienced through His unfailing love.

*Name changed for privacy


  • We are proud of our sports ministry where we prioritize sharing God's word through weekly sports outreach programs. As part of this effort, our staff and students engage in inter-class ball game competitions, fostering teamwork and camaraderie.

  • Families were appreciative to receive food baskets and other gifts from sponsors this term, recognizing the positive impact MOHI has on their children's lives.

  • Our kindergarten through Grade 6 students were thrilled to receive new shoes from one of our partners, bringing smiles to their faces.


  • Let's pray for the parents in our community, asking for economic empowerment and stability.

  • Pray for the evangelism program run by MOHI to take root and flourish within the community.

  • Pray for the families affected by the floods. May God provide for them and meet them at their point of need.

  • Pray for the families affected by the floods. May God provide for them and meet them at their point of need.