MOHI - Community Updates


Written by MOHI | Sep 17, 2024 7:56:22 PM

Greetings from Bondeni!

Praise God, and greetings from Bondeni Center. We are filled with gratitude for His protection over the lives of our children and staff. Thank you for your support and partnership this term. In return, we would like to share with you some of the highlights of this term. God bless you. 

Jackson Godfrey Okinda
Head Teacher, Bondeni




Hope Transforms: A Success Story

In the heart of Bondeni, Brenda’s* life was a daily battle. As a single mother of five, she faced the harsh realities of living in a community struggling with drug abuse and alcoholism. Money was always tight, and providing for her family seemed like an uphill climb.

Brenda's eldest daughter became a young mother, adding to the family's challenges. With limited resources, Brenda juggled to keep her other four children fed and clothed. The Bondeni community's struggles with substance abuse only made things harder.

In the middle of all these challenges Brenda's family faced, her children were recruited and enrolled in our Bondeni Center. Brenda couldn't afford to pay for their education, and MOHI proved to be a glimpse of God's love for her family.

Brenda never gave up her fighting spirit; she kept pushing forward. Later, she joined the Hands of Hope Women group, which makes soap for the Bondeni Center. This allowed her to earn some income to feed her family.

Eventually, in February 2023, Brenda applied for an opening at MOHI and was employed as a janitor at the Bondeni Center. Her resilience and diligence shone through in her work. Through evangelism, Brenda found herself drawn to Outreach Hope Church Bondeni. Her life started being transformed through the hope of Christ, and Brenda decided to give her life to Christ.

Her dedication and resilience didn't go unnoticed. The Bondeni Center saw her potential. She had more to give than just a casual laborer. Now, Brenda works at the Bondeni Center as a support staff, a testament to her journey of transformation and the impact of MOHI in her life.

With MOHI’s support, Brenda's family saw a turnaround. Her children are doing well in school and have managed to stay out of trouble and away from the influences in the harsh Bondeni community.

Brenda's job at MOHI provided stability the family had never known. No longer did they worry about where their next meal would come from or whether they'd have a roof over their heads. It was a lifeline they desperately needed.

The journey wasn't without its challenges. Brenda worked tirelessly, facing setbacks and obstacles along the way. Yet, through it all, she remained resilient, determined to give her children a better life.

Today, Brenda's family stands as a testament to the power of support and compassion. They've overcome adversity, not by luck, but through hard work and taking advantage of the opportunities availed to them. Her story is one of real-life transformations, showing that anything is possible with a little help and a lot of heart.

Now, Brenda and her children have moved to a better home. They no longer live near the river; they enjoy improved living conditions and stable home security. With Brenda's steady income from MOHI, they can afford three meals a day, and it's easy to see the beautiful smiles on their faces. Additionally, their health has improved, a testament to the positive changes in their lives.

As they continue their journey, Brenda and her children know they are not alone. With MOHI by their side, they face the future with hope and determination, ready to seize every opportunity that comes their way.

We thank God for the transformation witnessed in this family.

*Name changed for privacy


  • 28 of our students from Bondeni Center gave their lives to Christ this term. They are now going through the new believers classes at our church in Bondeni. 

  • We are thrilled for our music club members who took part in the regionals at the Kenya Music Festival competition and secured the second runners-up position. They came home holding up a well-deserved trophy.

  • We are grateful for the successful parent - teacher meeting this term, aiming to ensure that every student receives the right support to thrive academically and maintain good health.

  • We are thrilled about the new computer lab at our center. The lab has allowed our students to learn about new technology and has made their studies much easier.


  • Snyder Memorial Baptist Church visited our school. They conducted a health screening for our students, and also did home visits for children living with special needs and encouraged them.

  • Academy Christian Church visited to our school. They visited some of our students in their homes and prayed with families offering support and encouragement, urging them to have faith in God. They also conducted VBS for over 500 students that was focused on trusting God.

  • We were pleased to have Traders Point Christian Church visit us this term. They conducted a VBS for over 600 students that was focused on trusting God. The students had a great time at their lessons, games, and Bible studies.


  • Pray for good health for our students, their parents and staff members. 

  • Also pray for economic empowerment to our parents, so they are able to provide for their families.

  • Pray for our students who are yet to be sponsored that they may get sponsored.

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