2022: The Year in Review
Dear Rafiki (Friend),
Greetings from Kenya! We trust that you are doing well in the Lord. While taking time to reflect on 2022, we thank God for yet another fantastic year of seeing His mercy and grace.
We are privileged to be a part of what God is doing in the communities that we serve. We would like to share with you some of the highlights and successes of 2022.
Missions of Hope International now educates over 25,000 students from both rural and urban areas across Kenya. Our students are given a high-quality education with strong Christian values. In addition, receive medical care, spiritual guidance and two meals each school day.
Our sponsors help to make all of this happen by sponsoring a child. These like minded individuals have sponsored more than 14,000 students in total. Over 4,300 of these sponsorships were made in 2022! We still have over 9,900 children who are unsponsored. We pray that they will receive sponsors in 2023.
Sponsoring a child makes a big difference in a child's life. It gives them the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty and impact and change the communities they live in. Prayerfully consider sponsoring a child and be a part of the transformation.
This year 1,800 kindergarten students graduated to grade one. To celebrate this occasion each class held a graduation ceremony.
Kindergarten graduation
862 grade eight students sat for their end of primary school national exams and prepared to join high school. In light of the new school curriculum in Kenya, launched in 2017, the first grade six class graduated from the end of primary school education and will be joining our new junior secondary schools for grades seven through nine. They have been our pioneer class for the new curriculum each year. The new school curriculum requires that students from grade seven through nine be a part of junior secondary school. Our schools have had to register their centers to be able to accommodate them for this period of their education. All of our centers have been able to secure the right documentation to allow them to hold a junior secondary school.
New Centers
This year we successfully opened two new centers. Our new center in Nyeri, the ‘Wallace and Mary Center - Nyeri,’ is named after our Founders and Leaders. The center is situated in central Kenya. This center caters to 268 students from the community. Fun fact, Nyeri is where our Co-Founder and Executive Director Mrs. Mary Kamau grew up. It is a privilege that MOHI can now serve her community.
The new Wallace and Mary Center - Nyeri
Groundbreaking for new buildings at Wallace and Mary Center - Nyeri
In the west of Kenya, MOHI opened another center, called Bishop Dan K'Ogembo Center, in an area known as Nyakach. The center educates 249 children from kindergarten through grade five and grade seven. Before MOHI came to the Nyakach community, members struggled to find accessible, quality education for their children. We thank God that we have the chance to serve this community.
Our new Center in Nyakach - Western Kenya
MOHI has grown and expanded into new communities. We have also expanded and improved our existing centers. In 2022, we managed to start and complete a few projects that will make the lives of our staff and students easier. In Baba Dogo, longtime partner CMF International helped provide a synthetic turf soccer complex, in partnership with Urban Soccer Park. The sports complex offers a safe place for students who live in communities without any type of park or soccer field to play in to practice their skills. MOHI is grateful to our partners at CMF International who continue to be generous and passionate about helping MOHI use sports ministry to reach more and more students.
Baba Dogo Sports Complex
In the coastal region of Kilifi County, churches were built in Mitangoni and Kibarani. These churches benefit both the school and the community. Additional classrooms were completed in our Olturot and Morokani Centers.
Other construction projects include the Ndovoini and Kariobangi Centers, whose kitchens were both upgraded. One of our tallest buildings, Bondeni Center, now has a working elevator to go up and down the seven floors. Science labs were built for both the Pangani and Turkana Centers.
Additional projects that saw their completion in the year 2022 include Area 2 Center’s additional classrooms, perimeter wall and storm drainage system. Other projects started in 2022, but will be completed in 2023 include classroom expansion in Kargi and building a school in Mitangoni.
Part of transforming a community isn’t just providing education to the next generation, it is also providing parents and community members with the skills and resources to change their economic status. Part of MOHI’s economic empowerment mission is providing microloans to community members who need financial help and business training to start or grow an existing business.
Families have seen a great transformation with the ability to make a living and afford to provide for their basic needs. According to psychologists, growing up in a home that has economic challenges can be traumatic for a child. Empowering parents to make a living contributes to bringing up children ready to transform those around them.
A businesses owner that's part of our microfinance program
In 2022, our microfinance department gave loans worth $1,564,471 and $2,272,935 were paid back. We gained 1,415 clients this year, including 75 families from our new center that just opened in Nyeri. It has been a blessing to see families transform in this manner!
MOHI Technical Training Institute
Part of our empowerment program is MTTI (MOHI Technical Training Institute) This has allowed our parents and community members that we serve to have the opportunity to learn a skill. These skills can be applied to start business, or join employment that changes the economic status of their families.
In 2022, our MTTI had 485 students graduate with different certificates such as Catering, ICT, plumbing and electrical work. 50 students completed their course in catering, 38 in ICT, 23 students from early childhood development education (ECDE), 78 from fashion and design, 31 from plumbing, 23 from vehicle mechanics, 21 from electrical, 1 student from masonry, 141 from cosmetology and another 79 students from our Napuu campus in Northan Kenya. They had a graduation ceremony to congratulate our graduates for their achievement.
There are many aspects of life that bring transformation. One of those is access to quality health care. MOHI takes public health seriously with clinics that our students, staff members and community members have access to.
In 2022, our clinics served 22,234 MOHI students, 4,247 staff, and 3,486 members of the communities we serve. We conducted health screening in 24 schools and attended to 6,322 children. In these screenings, we assessed nutritional health, mental health, special needs, and other issues that the children might be facing.
Child receiving treatment
We had 96 successful surgeries in 2022, with 66 of them being children with physical disabilities and orthopedic complications. In partnership with “CURE Kenya” all 66 children were attended to and have recovered or are recovering. We give God the glory! Our clinics also provide gynecological services that resulted in 30 successful surgeries. International partners including 11 medical and dental teams visited our centers in 2022.They gave their services and their expertise to the community, students, and staff.
Nothing changes lives like the love of Jesus. We have seen Jesus restore families and transform lives. It is a privilege to be a part of that transformation and evangelism. One of the best ways for the kids to get to know Jesus is through our Angaza Discovery Camp. Every year our grade six students go on a two week discipleship camp in Kilifi on the coast of Kenya.
In 2022, 2,273 students attended Angaza Discovery Camp with 1,927 deciding to give their lives to Christ. Praise God with us! As a result, these students go through a new believers class back at their centers. We are now seeing hundreds and hundreds of grade 6 and 7 students getting baptized after completing this class! For example, this year 110 students from Kibarani got baptized!
In addition to providing Christian based quality education to the children, we also plant churches that will grow the community spiritually. These churches allow the families to plug into a body of believers to grow, serve and worship together.
In 2022, we managed to plant six more churches that serve the community and walk with the children and their families on their spiritual journey.
- Outreach Community Church - Nyakach
- Deliverance Church - Namarei
- Trinity Chapel - Kiwandani
- Prime Ministries International - Nyeri
- Prime Ministries International - Mitangoni
- Outreach Hope Church - Chumani
MOHI loves visitors! After countries lifted their travel bans due to the pandemic, we have been able to invite and host friends from all over the world to visit our schools. Different teams have come during the year to spend time with our children and share their knowledge and expertise with our students, staff and community members. Interactions with our partners means so much to our children as they meet their sponsors and people who care about them even from so far away.
Meeting friends
In 2022, we had a total of 53 different groups from different churches and organizations. They interacted with us in different ways such as taking our students through fun VBS activities, evangelism, health screenings at our centers, providing medical care or sharing their expertise in an area of need for our staff or communities. They also prayed and visited the community members encouraging them and getting to know them and their stories.
Additionally, we are pleased to welcome six new partnering churches and organizations! We are blessed to have like-minded parters that help advance our mission of transforming lives through Christ!

Wallace and Mary Kamau, Founders and Leaders
God continues to bless MOHI as we continue to do His work. We are on the way to achieving our goal of establishing 100 schools, planting 100 churches and educating 100,000 students. We are currently employ over 1,500 Kenyan staff who are all working together to help transform lives through the hope and love of Jesus Christ.
We have seen so much growth in 2022 and we thank God for your partnership during the year. We pray that you continue to partner with us in the year of 2023 as the Lord leads us to new communities.